𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝒂𝒎 𝑰 ? // An Intuition : Reboot

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He was roused from sleep when the faint light from the bleached lunar surface crept through the gap in his curtains. Naruto Uzumaki was an unusually light sleeper. Now, he thought in irritation, he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. He peeked out from beneath his thick covers and stared into the darkness that stretched on and on. There was enough light for him to make out the contours of the furniture that crowded his undersized room. With a half-hearted sigh, he slowly slipped out of the fort he'd made the previous night. Ever since his 'visit' in the Village Hidden in the Darkness, nightmares had plagued his sleep. He wasn't going to be a coward and avoid sleep, only to pass out from exhaustion, but he felt at ease when he had a few sheets in between himself and the darkness. It had been three years since that mission. Tsunade had considered him mentally unstable for B-rank missions, despite his newly attained Chuunin status. Instead she assigned him D-rank missions, and occasionally C-rank. He'd been complaining ever since, but she insisted. Even Itachi Uchiha, his boy friend of almost four years, claimed it to be for his own good. But it's doing me no good at all. All it's succeeding in doing is making me feel like I'm going crazy... And that I am not.

He stumbled in the direction of the curtains, fingers groping the shadows blindly. When the cotton brushed his elbow, his endless supply of energy finally was set into motion. He hastily pulled the curtains apart, revealing the... Illuminated village. Everyone's supposed to be asleep. Why are the lights on ?

There was something strange going on. Not only were the lights confirming his theory, but the clenching of his gut as well. The people of Konoha valued sleep like a precious gem. It was normal to see four or five lights on, but the whole village ? He chose to come up with a rational solution before the panic set in. Itachi will know, right ? He should be awake. Naruto was blind as a bat in the darkness, but managed to reach the light switch without sustaining any serious injuries. It was at times like these that he was jealous of the nine-tails, who could see in the dark. The yellow light splashed over the room like paint. He quickly found a pair of grey sweatpants and an orange hoodie to put over his pyjama shirt. He stopped by the bathroom for bladder relief and a splash of water on his face before heading out. Despite his rush, he attached his weapons pouch to his thigh, tied his hitai-ate around his neck, and slipped on the flak jacket that all Chuunin and Jounin are required to wear. He took off when he deemed himself presentable.

When he passed his favourite ramen stand, he was surprised to find it open. What disturbed him was that when he waved at the old man, he merely looked him dead on with a blank stare, as if he was a stranger. Naruto frowned before continuing on. He wouldn't speak to anyone before he spoke to Itachi. He arrived at the Uchiha compound a little over ten minutes later. When he approached the guards, rather than the friendly waves he'd been expecting, he received a hostile inquiry of his business at the compound.

"Don't you remember me ? I'm Itachi Uchiha's boyfriend !" Naruto stated, oblivious to the glares he was receiving.

"As far as we've heard, Itachi-san has never been in a relationship, and even less with someone of the same gender." One of the guards said in a monotone. Another guard pitched in, "In fact, I was starting to think Itachi-san was asexual."

"Baka !" The first guard shouted, slapping the back of the second guard's head. "S-sorry !" The second guard stuttered.

"I'm not sure why you don't remember me ! I mean, I was just here last night !" Naruto's frown looked like it was settling in for a long stay.

"I don't repeat myself." The first guard bit out. He crossed his arms for emphasis. The light from the houses behind him gave him an eerie glow.

"Can I go see him, at least ? I have to speak to him. It's urgent." Naruto pleaded.

An intuition : Reboot || 𝗜𝘁𝗮𝗡𝗮𝗿𝘂Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu