𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚 // An Intuition: Reboot

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"Incoming News : The Common Cold strikes again !"

Naruto mumbled to himself in an effort to cheer himself up. Kushina had been gone for almost an hour, and his cold was beginning to take its toll on him. He weakly lifted himself out of bed, cursing his failure to follow Itachi's advice. He should have known better than to ignore it. With a soft whimper, his bare feet made contact with the icy tile. The cold soothed his fever and sent shivers up his spine. When the shock passed, he took small steps towards his bedroom door which had been shut by his mother. "To make sure no cold air gets in." She'd stated matter-of-factly. How someone could get so sick overnight was unknown to him. Suddenly, dying in your sleep didn't quite seem as silly to him as it had before. He opened the door, taking in the white light filtering down the hallway. Kushina must have opened the blinds. He reached the kitchen, coughing fits racking his body in two minute intervals. As he was taking a seat at the kitchen table, the front door opened. In came a redhead, towing bags full of groceries and other miscellaneous items behind her. Then came the person he was least looking forward to seeing in his state. Uchiha Itachi. To be frank, he really hadn't expected a visit so soon.

"Hello, Kushina-san, Itachi-san." Naruto greeted in the sweetest tone he could manage. Kushina smiled brightly in response, already working on the task she'd previously vowed to complete.

Ah, Naruto-kun," The raven smirked, apparently amused by Naruto's disarrayed appearance. "I hate to say it... But-"

"Then don't. Please. I know I should have listened to you, and I know I look about as good as I feel." Naruto interrupted. Itachi's amusement only peaked as a result of the blonde's rash interruption. He crossed his arms as he took the seat Naruto was hovering over.

"I wouldn't have noticed your appearance had you not pointed it out to me." Itachi pointed out, looking smug. The blonde rolled his eyes, already fed up with Itachi and his ego.

"Okay, Itachi-san. Whatever you say." Naruto mumbled. He ran a hand through his hair in an effort to tame his wild spikes. "Why are you here, anyways ?" After a warning glare from Kushina, he added a "Not that I mind."

"I happened to bump into Kushina-san at the market, and she mentioned you being ill." The raven lazily crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. Naruto raised a brow at the answer. "So what, you decided you'd come and rub it in my face ?"

"Pretty much." Itachi agreed with a shrug. Naruto attempted a glare, but was once again foiled in his attempt to do so. Kushina had called his name, beckoning towards an ugly brown bottle that promised recovery and a bitter taste.

"You need some medicine, young man."

Naruto huffed in annoyance, but like the good momma's boy he was, he obediently left to take his medicine. When the unpleasant taste filled every nook and cranny of his mouth, he scrunched his nose in disapproval. Judging by Kushina's laughter, his facial expressions must have been rather comical.

"It's not funny. Seriously." Naruto complained, albeit grinning. He felt his heart flutter as he watched Itachi's lips curl into a smile. Even though his mouth no longer gaped and his eyes no longer widened, he still felt the surprise that came with that smile.

"Aw, you're just too cute." Kushina managed through huffs of air. Naruto smiled cheekily at her. A warmth had filled his heart when he saw the two of them smiling at him. He'd missed both of their smiles. The blonde was about to retort with, "It comes from you, Okaa-san," but stopped himself before the words could spill from his mouth. She doesn't know she's your mother.

"Y-yeah, thanks..." Naruto tried for a grin, but in fear of appearing fake settled for a grimace.

"Hey... Are you alright, Naruto-kun ?" Kushina asked. She tilted her head to the side, making her red locks tumble over her shoulders in waterfalls. And Naruto just missed hismom so much. He felt tears pooling in the corners of his eyes, and looked down at the ground in embarrassment. He was a fifteen year old boy ! He was fairly certain he was no longer a child, so why was he on the verge of crying ? It's the cold. Pale fingers wrapped around his arm, and he admired the beautiful contrast their skin tones made. Itachi shook him lightly, easily catching his attention.

An intuition : Reboot || 𝗜𝘁𝗮𝗡𝗮𝗿𝘂Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя