𝑵𝒐 𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒆 // An Intuition : Reboot

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The facts I know :

This is not real.

Suna doesn't exist, and Konohagakure's Jinchuuriki is one of my friends, Gaara.

Akatsuki is capturing the tailed beasts.

In this dimension or dream or parallel universe, the nine tails hasn't appeared since it was sealed into the Fourth Hokage's son.

The Fourth Hokage's son is dead.

I am the Fourth Hokage's son.

I have the nine tails sealed inside of me.

Something is preventing everyone from realizing my high chakra levels.

No one remembers who I am.

Number nine is due to my supposed death, as I am the Fourth Hokage's son.

My parents and Obito Uchiha are alive.

Konoha is now a night village.

I still need to apologize to my mother for mouthing off.

Sasuke is no longer such a bastard and Sakura isn't so violent and all-knowing.

Itachi has raised my suspicions. Why can't he mind his own business anymore ?


"What are you doing ?" A voice asked from behind Naruto's shoulder. The blonde snapped his notebook closed, looking up at the raven with a nervous smile.

"Making some notes." His voice remained monotone as he lied. If there was a career that revolved around lying, he'd have been boss by now.

"Oh ?" Itachi raised a brow. His hand was slowly inching towards the notebook. Naruto noticed this and placed his own hand over Itachi's to prevent it from moving any further.

"That would be an invasion of privacy, Itachi-san." Naruto reprimanded with a small smile. Itachi smirked before saying, "Okay, okay. You're right. I'll leave it alone."

He didn't pull his hand away. Naruto looked up at the raven with a mischievous grin. "I see you're having a pleasant time holding my hand, eh ?"

Itachi immediately shook Naruto's hand off, a grimace on his face. "No." He said simply, willing down the blush that threatened to appear.

"I know, I know." The blonde stood up, taking his notebook with him. It had been three days since the attack, and his pain had relatively decreased.

"Are you left-handed ?" Itachi suddenly asked with apparent interest.

"No, I'm ambidextrous." Naruto replied. The raven nodded as he processed the new information.

"Listen, Itachi-san, can I ask you a few questions about what happened on our last drill ?" He hadn't had the heart to ask sooner. The three of them had been having a great time, and he didn't want to spoil the fun so quickly.

"I suppose..." Itachi frowned. He led the way to the living room, gesturing for the blonde to sit beside him on the love seat.

"Thanks. So, what village were those ninja from ?" Naruto asked.

"The Village Hidden in the Frost. They've attacked us multiple times. They're angered that we won't give the Akatsuki our tailed beast. Obviously they've been misinformed and believe that by allowing the Akatsuki to achieve their sick goals, war amongst ninja will end." Itachi said with a glare at nothing in particular.

An intuition : Reboot || 𝗜𝘁𝗮𝗡𝗮𝗿𝘂Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora