Miss Missing You

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Chapter 6:
Miss Missing You

I spent the rest of my day in a daydream. All of a sudden I felt needed, and I owed it all to Patrick, the still-a-stranger-just-about-boyfriend of mine. It was strange; every risk I promised myself I'd take I had. It was just as simple as that. All I was afraid of became an angry passion, it became faith.

Faith holds so many memories, so much love, that it has to be felt at least once in your lifetime. And for the first time in my life, I knew now was the time.

When I left to go home, Patrick greeted me at my locker.
"Hi, Willow!" His face was beaming, and his pale skin was almost a bright pink. He looked so perfect, I had to pull him in for a bear hug. He was a little shorter than me, so I felt like I was smothering him a little bit. He didn't appear to care, although.
"You okay there, Trick?" He laughs at me. God, he has such a gorgeous laugh.
"Yeah, you?"
"Uh-huh. Never better. Thanks for understanding today. Not many people would understand like you did, you know."
We broke up the hug, and Patrick shuffled his feet around. We walked out of school quickly, as not to get caught in the locker rush.
"I know we only met three days ago, but I could sense it right from that moment. I love you, Willow, and I don't care if you rejected my kiss in my garage that night, you weren't sure what you were doing. But I promise, I knew it from the start. We started at the end."
We were walking down the road as he said this. He was looking straight into my eyes, and I felt strong enough to do the same. The words just all came out as an outburst, but you could tell he meant it. He could see the twinkle in his eye and the tone in his voice was a tell-tale. I nodded.
"I was being stupid, and it was me who brought what happened on. I blame myself. And I'm not going to lie, I knew it too. I just didn't want to think that because so many people have upped-off and left me. Way too many. I felt I could trust you, but I didn't want to.. What I mean- Patrick, I love you. I don't care how many times I've said that to you already. I know it, and I want you to know it. I'm suddenly not afraid anymore."
That was all we needed to say. I think we were both stunned by our own words for a few moments, as we spent them in silence.
"Willow, can I walk you home?" I smiled. The cliché side of Patrick was cute.


Hand in hand, we walked down heavily concreted pavements. When we finally got to my rusted steel gate, he kissed me one last time. And it really meant something, for both of us.
"I don't think I can let go of your hand, Willow."
"Me either. But we have to part sometime right?" He smiled and squoze my hand. I kissed his cheek and he walked away, never letting his eyes leave my face until he was out of sight.
I sighed.
"Is that the guy?" I froze. Mom was stood at the door. I would have been angry, but I was having such a good day, we both laughed until we couldn't breathe.
"Yeah. Patrick." She smiled and lead me indoors to the kitchen counter. She sat with her chin resting on her knuckles, in a 'tell me everything' sort of manner. I was glad I had a young mom sort of mother. We had talked about guys in the past, she was a carefree person. So I told her. With every word, her eyes lit up a little more. I suppose I reminded her of her teenage years...

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