I Don't Care

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Chapter 1:
I Don't Care

I woke up to the sound of my brothers screaming from the kitchen. I sighed and sat up.
Another Wednesday. I couldn't lie though, without the craziness of my loud though, I would be lost. Realising it was a school day, I got out of bed, pulled on a cute sweater and skinny jeans and ran downstairs.

"Willow, come get your breakfast!" My mom was calling me.

"I'm here, Mom." I yawned.

"Willow, what have I told you about staying up all hours a night, just for your music?" She doesn't what music is. Nowadays, if I get my inspiration, I have to get up, whatever hour of the night it is. Music is my life, and if I feel what I've got is perfect, I have to use it somewhere.

"I'm running late, and I have to go, Mom." I wasn't really. I just needed to be out of my house. I picked up my fedora off of the counter and put it on my head.

"Fine, but make sure you eat at school, lady!" I smiled at her. Apart from the fact she was always on my case, it was nice to know she did genuinely care.


"Well, hey girl! Oh my gosh, did you hear about...." I walked to school with Imogen everyday, and I have to say; she spoke a lot more than I did. I'm not antisocial, just quiet. I was the girl that sat at the back, and minded her own business, I suppose you would say. I would often block her voice out so I could try and concentrate on other things, often stopping to nod and smile every now and then.

By the time we'd got to school, Imogen still talking, but as soon as she found some of her other friends, she walked off with them. I stopped by my locker for my books, and the bell went off. I made my way to homeroom, and sat at my desk at the back of the room. I was on my own, and I was glad. Everyone had their little groups. There's the athletics, the nerds, the cheerleaders, the queen bees and me. Just me. Even Imogen was in her little group of girls.
My teacher, Mr. Hutchison walked into the classroom choosing to ignore the students on the tables and throwing paper aeroplanes.

"Right class, get back to your seats, so I can do a roll call."
Everybody shuffled back to their places. My gaze turned to the door, as a student stepped through the door. He was short and blonde, with blue eyes. He had a great sense of style, and he was wearing a fedora, like me. I suddenly felt embarrassed, and took mine off. I wasn't going to start a trend any time soon, thank you very much.

"Stumph? You're late. Can you sit at the back of the room next to... Willow?"
Great. Even the teachers can't remember my name at times. And on top of the insulting manner of Mr. Hutchison, I now had a new student sat at my desk. It was turning out to be a beautiful day. He must of saw my glare towards the teacher, as he said in a quiet voice:

"Hey, can I sit here, please?" I nodded, not daring to look at him. I don't often give people eye contact, and it wasn't something I did towards new people either.

"I saw you had a fedora on when I walked in. Where'd it go?" I pointed to the back of my chair. It was rested on the corner of the chair. "You didn't have to take it off, just because I'm wearing one." I sighed, and put it back on. I wasn't doing it to please anyone, I wanted to put it back on anyway. Besides, I still couldn't really make out what sort of person he was.
"So you're Willow, huh? I'm Patrick, Patrick Stumph." I smiled and nodded at him. I decided to get out my notepad, after turning round so Patrick couldn't see what I was writing. I put my head down and continued writing from where I started last night. After a spot of writing, I started motioning a guitar, so I couldn't work out the music discreetly. It wasn't discreet enough.

"You like music, Willow?" I blushed and nodded. "I'm a bit of a writer myself." Before I could say anything, the bell went. I was so glad. I wasn't going to start a music conversation with a stranger. My music is between me and my guitar.


At recess, Imogen came over to talk to me.
"Hey, Willow! You and the new boy seriously suit! I'm surprised you don't have the hots for him! I mean, look at you two! You're so alike!" I glanced over at him from the other side of the canteen, then looked back at Imogen. She nodded, which made me scowl at her and shake my head. She shook her own head and walked away. My friends don't see that I'm happier alone. They are all in relationships, because they're all just naïve. I don't believe in any love, but my love for music.

I didn't see the boy for the rest of the day, and I was happy about that. It would have been really awkward. Not for him but for me, at least!

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