-Muggle School-

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  It was soon when Harry and Hermione were going to muggle school. Sirius had gotten them magic backbags, which changed color and laughed when it was tickled. He also got them all the muggle school supplies.

Lily drove them to school with a ministry car.

"Why can't we go to Hogwarts right now? I hate regular schools!" Harry told Lily.

"Harry, you'll go to Hogwarts later, every witch and wizard goes to a muggle school before Hogwarts!"

Finally they were at the school. Lily waved to them, and drove off.


"Class, I would like to introduce you two new students! Why don't you come up and introduce yourselves to us?"

The teacher smiled at them.

Hermione went up first. "Hi, I am Hermione Granger. I am ten  years old, and I can do magic!" She said proudly.

"She means like a magician, you know, like clowns and stuff." Harry told them nervously.

"Oh! I am Harry, and I am ten too. I live with Hermione, my parents are her godparents."

When they sat down, suddenly a boy with bright red hair stormed in.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Andrews ..."

"Ron, sit down. Being late is absolutely not allowed in my class. Detention!"

The boy named Ron looked curiously at the two new students, who smiled at him.

Ron sat down right next to a spare spot next to Hermione and Harry.

"Hey! I'm Ron Weasley." He whispered so the teacher couldn't hear.

"I'm Hermione Granger, and that's Harry Potter."

Ron's face expressioned in amazement.

"You're serious? Hermione Granger, THE Hermione Granger?"


"I'm magic too, Ron." Harry said as he wasn't getting as much attention.

"Wow. Cool! I am sitting next to a witch and wizard and Hermione Granger!"


They jumped. The teacher stared furiously at Ron. "Are you going to pay attention or not? Subtraction is a very important subject, you will really need it in the future..."

"You betcha, of course." Ron snorted. "Wizards don't need math."

''Ron Weasley, stop joking and pay ATTENTION!"


It was time for reading, and Ron and Hermione were paired up as partners. Hermione was quite happy to have a task to read a whole book.


"So how was your first day at school, Harry? Hermione?"

"It was really fun! We made a new friend!" Harry said.

"We got to read a whole book! It was really interesting!" Hermione said.

Lily grinned. "I'm glad you had fun!" She said.

Then they reached the Potters' house, ans saw a red-haired boy waiting at the door.

"Oh! Harry and Hermione, you're here! I asked my mum if I could come over for a sleepover and she said yes!"


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