Chapter 16:Bye Bye Paradise

Start from the beginning

‘’Genesis right?’’ she asks.

Im sure I have a quizzical look on my face because Ive never seen this girl before but sure enough she knows me.

‘’Uh yeah and you are?’’

‘’Jessica. it’s nice to finally meet you.’’ she says with somewhat of a glare. Unease quickly washes over me…Who is this chick? I’ve never even heard or seen her before. How the hell does she know me?

‘’You too.’’

‘’Hey aren’t you engaged to Zavian Carter?’’ My heart almost stops at the mention of his name but mainly because of the engaged part. Definitely because she just said that in front of Mark. I never told him exactly  who I was engaged to and it doesn’t help that I lied and told him that we finally called our engagement off…What am I supposed to say? I haven’t really talked to Mark about Zavian and I… I didn’t feel the need to.

Everything has been going absolutely fine since Zavian left and I was enjoying life. Finally living my life with joy and no stress. I have a new house, and a car. Harmony and I are both taken care of. I had everything I needed except for a companion…Mark filled that space. I’ve been happy for once because hell for the longest I felt like I was older than what I actually was but now all of that is coming back because of this Jessica chick… Who the hell is she? I can’t focus on her though because I have to answer her question not for me but for Mark…the look on his face is unreadable…He’s never been too angry with me or so disappointed in me before but now I can’t even read his face… he just looks lost…

I stand frozen in front of a smirking Jessica and a still confused Mark. Just fucking great. I look between the two of them… Do I tell them the truth or lie? I think Ive lied for far too long…’’Uh yes…yes I am.’’

Jessica’s POV

I knew her ass looked familiar. As soon as I saw her with that baby that looked just like Zavian I knew exactly who she was. What I didn’t understand was that if she was so damn shy why was she with some other nigga? At first I thought maybe he was a cousin, brother, or something that would explain the situation but family doesn’t kiss and hold each other around the waist now do they?

 The dude she’s with is fine as hell but he has nothing on Zavian. Why would she choose some bologna over a steak? I shake my head at her little confession. Ole boy clearly didn’t know about Zavian because he’s staring at her in disbelief and she stands in front of us both with tears in her eyes.

‘’Mark I can explain…’’ she chokes out.

He shakes his head. ‘’I don’t want to hear it.’’ He pushes past her and leaves the store. Her lips quiver and her body shakes a little. Pathetic ass bitch.

I stand there just staring at her. I have no sympathy for her ass. I hold my phone in my hand with the picture ready to send it to Zavian. I don’t know how he’s going to take it but he needs to know. When I met him and he was talking about her you could see the love in his eyes that he had for her. Now here she is cheating on him. I literally can’t stand women like her. People always want to see the man as the big and bad person but little do they know that the women are just as bad. Here’s my example of one.

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