Chapter 1

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*Chief Hiccup POV*

I knew the moment I had taken flight it was a mistake.

I could feel the harsh whips of the wind cracking against me and Toothless, as we flew through the sky. It was a mistake on my part, knowing full well of the dangers of flying blindly into a storm. Even if you're the chief. But curiosity, and the need to protect my village over took me.

Toothless and I were thrown around, like the unruly waves of the water, as we attempted to stay on a straight path towards our destination. Though as we neared, the weather only seemed to worsen. I turned my head to view Berk in what little ways I could, with the darkened sky and the harsh bullets of rain that came washing down like a hurling waterfall.

Small areas where lightning had struck were lit on fire as many of the people worked to put it out. Using many of the new ideas created to help control fire break outs that would happen frequently, considering we lived with so many dragons.

I knew the longer I stayed away the more I'd worry everyone back on Berk. I was their Chief and without me, hell would break loose, mostly into a panic to find me. So with that, I turned my attention back around, and made a quick decision, that I knew would be for the best.

"Let's head back bud, this was a stupid mistake" Toothless grunted in agreement before making a turn, to head back. Berk was hard to see with how hard the rain was coming down, and the constant sound of wind ripping through the air. Thunder rumbled in the side as more lightning bolted from the sky. However, this time it was different, Instead of being the normal blinding white, the lightning bolts assaulted us with their dark purple energy. Before I could think about it more, a sudden coldness enveloped me as the icy violet came hurdling towards us.

"Toothless!" I shouted to get his attention. "Let's get above the storm! Lets break through the clouds!" His head nodded slightly up, as he pumped his wings furiously in quick swift motions. Heading towards the darkened sky. The sound of waves rolling over each other was becoming distant. Leaving the sound of pelting rain, and harsh winds, followed by the constant thundering rumble of the sky. Just as we were about to break into the clouds, a long streak of purple struck Toothless and me, but instead of the burning hot white of lighting, it was cool. Not even the slightest of pain as I drifted into the darkness. Still holding tightly onto Toothless as I fell unconscious. Yet one thought drifted into my head before I was completely gone.

'I hope everyone is alright' ...

Blast to the Past! (Adopted from Queen_Of_Magic7) - Post HTTYD 2Where stories live. Discover now