{Chapter 1}

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Okay so before I start the book I added Jeon Jungkook he is going to be the the 11th prince and his mom is Queeb Yoo . Also your name will come up I promise .

"Chaeyoung... he cheated on me with the person I trusted..."-Ha-Jin

She said crying .

"Are you okay?!? Where are you ?"Chaeyoung

"I-im at the park"-Ha-Jin

She then ended the call . I get my bag and walk to the park.  Its not that far me and Ha-Jin use to hang out there since we were young . So it's only like 1 block away from my house .

Those two little brats... How can they hurt my best friend ... No wonder they were a bit suspicious

I get to the park and see Ha-Jin jumping in a lake my eyes go wide .


I say as I run to the lake and jump into the lake . I start swimming down trying to look for her , I couldn't breath so I started swimming up but I kept on going down , I look up and the last thing I see was the eclipse . I still see the eclipse so I start swimming up and I see Ha-Jin we were breathing for air .

"Yah , Ha-Jin why did you jump off ?-"-Chaeyoung

My words got cut off by a boy .

"Theres girls in the bath!!"-Boy

"Brother's!!! "-Boy

"Yah! Hae soo Y/n come over here before they find you"-Girl

Me and Ha-Jin go to her confused . Me and Ha-Jin look at each other and our eyes go wide and we point at each other .

"Why are you using a hanbok?"-Both

We were confused.

"I finally found you guys . Hae soo its Y/n's first day here and we needed to show her around"-Girl

"Wait...who are you?"-Chaeyoung

"I'm Chae Ryung Y/n how can you forget we just met"-Chae Ryung


I look at myself to see myself using this .

I look at myself to see myself using this

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With the bag . 

"Where are we?"-Chaeyoung

"Are you silly ? We are at the palace"Chae Ryung


"Okay Hae soo and Y/n stop playing around and lets go on with the tour"-Chae Ryung

Me and Hae soo look at each other confused still . I take Chae Ryungs hand and put it oj my heart.

"There is a different girl living in this body"-Chaeyoung

"Yeah , same to me"-Ha-Jin

Chae Ryung was confused .

"Let's go you guys definitely need a doctor"-Chae Ryung

She says grabbing our hands and taking us to this room .

"Lady Oh and Lady Hae I think they need a doctor"-Chae Ryung

"Why?"-Lady Oh

"They seem lost and they don't remember things"-Chae Ryung

They both nod I believe her name was Lady Oh and called for a doctor the doctor came and checked the both of us .

"They both seem perfectly fine"-Doctor

"Then why don't they remember anything?"-Chae Ryung

"I'm not sure but it's best if they remember through time"-Doctor

"Okay"-Lady Hae

The doctor leaves .

"Come on Hae soo"-Lady Hae

Ha-Jin leaves she waves bye to me .

"Okay Y/n since you barley came today to work as a maid , I'm going to tell you what you are doing tomorrow"-Lady Oh

I nod .

"Okay your job is to make sure Prince Eun and Prince Jungkook are going good , also when they need help you are to help them . It's most likely you will have to take care of Prince Eun . I'm sure Prince Jungkook doesn't really need any help because he knows how to take care of himself"-Lady Oh

"Yes Lady Oh"-Chae Ryung

She then leaves and I was left with Chae Ryung .

"So... Chae Ryung do you know anything about me?"-Chaeyoung

"Well yeah some things Do you want me to help you remember about yourself?"Chae Ryung

"Yes please"-Chaeyoung

"Okay well you are 17 , you are pretty weird and have good sense of humor . You also like having fun well we use to always hang out and do fun challenging things before I came here . My mom took care of you because your mom couldn't"-Chae Ryung

I nod . It was getting late and tomorrow I'm going to be a slave basically ... How did I get here?!


Author's note:

Okay so now that they went back to time I'm going to be saying they are from Y/n or Hae soo now. 

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