Chapter Three

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        At home, I'm smiling, which is unusual with my miserable life. My family doesn't spend time together, but we are constantly suspicious, ready to rat out our siblings to Father in our eternal battle of the favorites. One thing that we all hate is school, so the first thing I do is go over to my sister Anna, the youngest. She stares at me with a puzzled look in her eyes, trying to figure out why I'm talking to her.

        "Hello, my dearest sister, do you have a moment to talk?" I ask with the biggest grin possible spread across my face.

"What the he// do you want, Gabriel," she practically spits at me in response.

With a fake, sad expression from her 'hurtful' words, I say, "Why, Anna, I only wish to speak to my beloved sibling," I was grinning again by the end of my sentence. It's just such a comical sentence.

"Our loathing for one another is mutual, so just shoot it out already."

"If I go to school for you tomorrow, will you do my chores?" I ask, cutting to the chase as she requested.

After a few moments of her calculating look staring me down, she says, "What is your angle, Gabriel?"

"No angle, you have my word. I simply have a new found like for the place."

She glares at me before agreeing with a simple head nod and an okay.

I return to my quarters before releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. I close my door and slide down it. Now I have to wait until morning to find out if she hates school enough to not tell Father about this.


After a restless night of staring at the ceiling while waiting for sleep that continued to elude me, my alarm clock awakens me, the large, red letters taunting me with their brightness. I roll out my nice warm blankets and comfy bed onto the floor. It's the only thing that will make me get up, strange as it is. I pull my curtains open to reveal a dark sky with few rays of light in the corners, the yellow brightness slowy eating all of the darkness away from the sky.

Worriedly, I recall my conversation with Anna, and get dressed so as to head downstairs. I quickly eat, and return to my room to brush my teeth. Not in my room, of course, but in the bathroom that is connected to everyone’s room except Father's.

I return to the kitchen, and find Anna there. I stare at here until she turns around. Our eyes meet, and I silently ask if she alerted Father of our little exchange. She shakes her head and her eyes narrow, frustrated to have to speak with me twice within twenty-four hours.

With a sigh of relief, I grab JP's bag and head out the door.

While walking to school, Sam once again bumps into me. I smile when I see her and before scurrying off again she smiles back. I shout after her, "Is this going to be a regular thing with you?!"

She briefly turns around and yells back, "Only if you keep getting in my way, Jimmy!" There is a joke in her voice and a smile on her cheeks as she continues her pointless run into school. We still have a good half an hour before it starts.

I go over to where all of JP's friends sit before school and begin making conversation. About then I realize Sam called me Jimmy instead of JP. She is shockingly the only one I've ever heard call me by my full name instead of the pathetic nickname my siblings picked out. And I can't help but smile at that. Sam is unlike any girl I've ever met before or any person at all really. It's so easy to talk to her, to laugh with her. I will forever remember this moment as the moment I understand what it was like to care about someone, and to be cared about. I now understand friendship.

During our classes, Sam and I both tuned out our teachers and passed notes the whole time, by every means possible. In third period, we passed paper airplanes through the windows of our conveniently adjacent classrooms.

 By the end of the day, my hands ached from writing and folding. I also knew about everything there is to know about Sam, her favorite band, her favorite color, her favorite class, etc. She didn't talk much about home though, but then again, neither did I. It makes me wonder what she is keeping a secret, but I've only known her for two days, so it is understandable.

Although to me, I've known her for an eternity. Something about her is just so familiar; I almost can't stand not knowing who she reminds me of.

One thing I've been panicking about is that she said we should hang out sometime. There is almost no way I can swing that at my house, and she already seemed adamant about it not being at her place. I have no idea where she will be taking me as a result. I hate not knowing things. The unknown is terrifying.

                 At home, Sam's surprise brings on another night of staring at the ceiling waiting for a sleep that never comes. I go over to another of my siblings, Balthazar, and ask if we can switch chores. He accepts immediately, seeing as he despises school with a passion.

                Smiling once again, I head off to school to see Sam.

I left my family a note which read:

I was invited to hang out with another student after school. I must attend.

                                ~ Balthazar

I'm careful to sign my brother's name so that my Father remains in the dark about my extra school time.

                Once again, while walking into school, Sam runs by me, but this time I step out of her way and stick out my arms to grab her. She squeals as I pull her to the side.

I can't help but ask the question that has been coursing through my brain since I first met her, "Why do you always run into school so long before it begins?"

She momentarily looks confused before realization crosses her features. She responds with, "I like to go to the library before school. Mrs. Hendershot, the librarian, is always happy to see me. She says I'm the only other person besides herself who loves the books in the whole school. So, I go to see her every day, I check out new books and make conversation with her."

"Well then," I say, "I'll just have to join you then, won't I?"

She automatically says, “No, it's okay, you don't have to do that."

I smile and say," I know, I want to." She gives me a sheepish smile before we begin racing to the library, each trying their hardest to beat the other. Sam is not a fast runner, so about halfway there I slow down and let her win. She smiles at me knowingly before I attempt to look confused about what she is accusing me of. She shakes her head and chuckles before saying, "Thanks, but I would've beaten you anyways.

I laugh outright and she glares at me playfully and then attempts to tackle me. I pin her down easily and laugh at her face of defeat before realizing the position we're in. She realizes as well and I clear my throat before standing up and putting out my hand to help her get up. Sam waves my hand away before getting up herself.

Someone's ego was bruised... I think to myself.

We spend thirty minutes in the library talking to Mrs. Hendershot before the first bell rings and we head off to first period.


I updated Friday, as promised. Happy 4th everybody!

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