Puppies and Kittens

Start from the beginning

"Mercy!" Garnett called her. She said bye to the kids and went to see what he needed.

"Hey what's up?" She said approaching him.

"We're gunna take these two to the Tappan zee bridge..."

"But that's miles away!" She interrupted

"You wanna come?" He asked

"Hell yeh!" She exclaimed grinning.

Mercy jumped in the back of the truck and stood up. She hit the side twice and they were off.


Time jump. (Sozz but nothing very interesting happens if you've watched the show then you know what happens and if you haven't watched the show then you should)


Mercy sat in the truck bed with Addy and Mack. Murphy Hammond and Doc were sat in the back seat and Garnett drove with Warren in the passenger seat. Camp Blue Sky had fallen and they were all that's left.

"So this guy just rocks up at our door claiming to be the saviour of the human race the same day that everything goes to hell" Mack states

"Yep" Mercy said cleaning her axe with an old rag.

"And these two are on some sort of government mission to California" he continues.

"Yep" she gives him the same answer.

"And now we're going with them with no actual proof I mean those could be dog bites" he said gesturing wildly with his hands to get his point across.

Mercy seemed to think about this for a second pausing then "yep" and she went back to her axe.

"Great" Mack said sarcastically earning an elbow in the stomach from his girlfriend. 

"Just be grateful we're alive" Addy told him.

The truck came to a stop at what was supposed to be the military base.

"Well this looks promising" Mercy mumbled sarcastically earning a look from Addy.

"Is it them? Hammond is it them?" Murphy yelled out the window at the luitenant.

"Yeah" he confirmed before giving out orders "we need to search for survivors and supplies you..." he said pointing to Murphy who was currently peeing on the wheel of the truck "zip it up and stay close to me, Warren and Garnett you take the building and the rest of you check the cars"

The place was pretty quiet. Doc said all the Z's would of moved on like locusts. Mercy put down a few zombies with her axe and checked a truck "nothing" she called to the others.

"Yeh noth..." Doc started before a zombie he thought was dead leapt up on him.

Mack, Addy and Mercy circled him as he yelled "Pike it! Pike it!"

"We can't unless you stay still" mercy told him one of her knives in hand looking for an opening.

Suddenly, a shot came out of nowhere and blew a hole the size of a fist through the Z's head. Instantly, Mercy looked up to see a figure run across the roof. 

"Honk twice before you leave I'll be back" she said before running off.

"Wait Mercy!" Addy yelled after her.

"That girl is either gunna save us all or kill us all" Doc commented shaking her head.


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