Puppies and Kittens

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On the borders of camp blue sky Sargent Charlie Garnett stood at the edge of the water waiting. Turning  as he heard footsteps he watched as luitenant Roberta Warren joined him.

"What is it?" She asked getting straight down to bussiness as usual. A boat holding two men circled in the river.

"We've been watching them for a while and as far as we can tell it's just the two men" he told her.

"We?" She questioned only seeing Garnett. He motioned up to a tree behind Warren with a slight smirk. She turned to look up into the tree to see a figure covered in black with red accents.

"Mercy is that you? You better get your ass down here before you fall down." Warren called up. Some slight rustling was heard before Mercy jumped from the tree to land infront of Warren giggling slightly.

"Oh come on Warren when have I ever fallen?" She asked rhetorically.

"Everything has a first" was her only reply to the younger girl as Garnett signalled the boat.

"How'd nana's eighth go?" Mercy asked watching the boat come in.

"Good" she replied simply knowing that no more detail was needed.

"Thanks for doing it... I just couldn't anymore..." Garnett mumbled hoping the young girl couldn't hear him. As the boat came in he gave his orders "okay I'll handle the meet and greet a Mercy you cover me from the tree over there and warren u stay directly behind me"

They both nodded as Roberta replied "any problems you hit the ground and we got you covered"

He stopped the two men as their boat came in and Mercy held her throwing axe in her hand ready to strike at any hint of something fishy. She didn't bother to listen to the conversation negotiations bored her and she knew if she was needed she'd be called upon. 

The whole camp was scared and awed by the girl and she liked it that way. She was close to a hand full of people and always got along with children but as far as she was concerned being young and small made her vulnerable and being scary meant no one saw this. They weren't scared of her cause she was cold or mean but they'd all seen what she can do and that was enough.

She tuned back into the conversation when Roberta joined in saying that they weren't going to shoot them but she waited for the signal which happened to be a whistle from the older women to jump down swinging her axe in a circle.

"Awww dammit why don't we ever have any fun around here" she giggled evilly walking towards the men who both looked shocked at the sight at the petite yet menacing girl.

"So who is he? Some sort of Doctor?" Garnett questioned talking about the homeless looking man in the back of the boat.

"Not exactly. His name is Murphy. And he may just be the last best chance to save humanity." The man who called himself Hammond replied.

"Drama queen" Mercy sang 


Whilst Garrnet and Warren took Hammond in to talk Mercy headed to the daycare tent. She liked to help with the children it reminded her of days long ago... Before She became Mercy. She put her hair up in a ponytail and walked to sit with the Littles at the sand table.

"What you guys making?" She asked brightly helping them with their sandcastle as they chatted happily. She always admired how the kids here still had there innocence. They knew about the outside... They knew how bad things were but they had yet to be touched by it... Not truly. She had seen kids out their. With a child's body but an adults mind and pain in their eyes.

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