"Bev?" I call out, walking closer to Ben and Beverly. Her eyes were clouded white, almost as if she was dead.

"Beverly?" Ben tried, shaking her shoulders roughly. "Why isn't she waking up? What's wrong with her? Beverly, please, come on!" And then he kissed her.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Richie stepped back, gobsmacked, mouth wide open. I grinned at Ben, happy he finally kissed her, even though she had no clue.

""January Embers"?" Beverlys eyes fluttered open, a smile gracing her lips.

""My heart burns there too"." Ben replied, smiling happily at her.

"Jesus, fuck..." Richie gasped out, grinning as he wrapped his arms around Beverly and Ben, dragging them into a hug.

"Oh, god." Mike sighed happily, joining the hug. Stanley and I stood back, smiling to each other as Eddie wandered forwards.

"Where is Bill?" Beverly asked, glancing around. I pushed the boys out the way and hugged Beverly.

"We do not know." I replied, breaking our hug to give her a sorrowful smile. We nodded at the boys before wandering further into the strange room, my arm linked with Beverly's protectively.

"I wanna go home." We all gasped in shocked as we walked around the pile of toys and came face to face with Bill and his "missing" brother, Georgie. "I miss you, I wanna be with mom and dad."

"I want more than anything for you to be home, With Mom and Dad. I miss you so much." Bill sobbed, stepping closer to the young boy.

"I love you, Billy." I almost crumbled at the sight but I knew that it was not Georgie, and I knew Bill knew that too.

"I love you too, But you're not Georgie." Bill raised the Mike's farm gun to Georgie's head and did not hesitate as he pulled the trigger. Georgie's body collapsed to the floor, still, before he started morphing into the clown we had all learned to hate.

"Kill him now, Billy! Kill him! Shit! Kill him, Bill. Kill him, Bill. Kill him! Kill him! Kill IT!" Everyone screamed, Bill ready to shoot again.

"It's not loaded." Mike mumbled. I glanced at him worriedly. "Hey, it's not loaded! Dammit. Fuck."

"Bill, watch out!" I screamed as Pennywise shoved Bill on to his back.

"Leave him alone!" Beverly dived forwards, trying to shove a piece of metal into Its head. Mike stepped in the way of Beverly It swipped at her, pushing Mike into the far wall. Bill jumped on Its back and Richie joined him, Eddie on one arm and Stanley on the other. It was a mess. A blur in my eyes. It was not until It got a hold of Bills head that we all stepped back, watching the scene unfold.

"No. I'll take him. I'll take all of you. And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear..." Pennywises demonic voice spoke. "Oooooorrrrr you'll just leave us be I'm taking him, only him. And then I'll have my long rest and you will all live to grow old and drive and lead happy lives until old age takes you back to the weeds."

"Leave!" Bill gasped, trying to be the hero. "I'm the one who dragged you all into this I'm s-s-s-s-, I'm s-s-sorry. Go!"

"Guys, we can't." I tried to reason, we were all hesitant to say the least, wanting to leave and never look back but at the same time we wanted to save our friend and annihilate the clown.

"I told you, Bill. I fucking told you, I don't want to die... It's your fault. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead-house. And now... I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown!" Richie wandered over to the pile of junk and grabbed a baseball bat, testing the weight of it. "Welcome to the losers club, asshole!"

Richie lept forwards and hit Pennywise straight in the face, Mike soon joining in on the fight. He grabbed a metal bar from the ground and aimed for Pennywises face, burnt arms stopping him, calling his name. Stanley soon stepped forwards and It's face morphed into the woman who was sucking Stanley's face earlier. He quickly got away from his sudden shock and hit Pennywise over the head with a metal pole. I stepped up and tried to stick a metal spike I had found in his stomach, the spiders crawled out his mouth and buried my alive, their bodies suffocating me. I closed my eyes tightly before thrashing around, getting the spiders off me, then diving forwards to successfully jam the spike into It. I collapsed to the floor, heaving for air as the world turned blurring.

"Hey Bevvie, are you still my little girl?" It was not until Pennywise morphed into Beverly's father that my senses came back, a worried Stanley hovering above me, checking if I was okay. Beverly lept forwards and shoved a spike though Pennywises head. As the demonic clown fell backwards we all stepped forwards.

"That's why you didn't kill Beverly, Cause s-s-s-s-she wasn't afraid and we aren't either not anymore. Now you're the one that's afraid, because you're gonna starve." Bill said, watching as the clown fell backwards even more until he was hanging off the edge of a hole in the ground. Stanley passed Bill a metal spike but before he could finish the clown off, Pennywise evaporated and fell down the hole.

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Richie joked, as we all looked around at each other, relieved it was finally over. It was then that Bill and Beverly finally got to hug out their happiness that the other was alive.

"Hey guys. The kids are floating down." Eddie mumbled out, watching as the "missing" children did indeed float down from the sky. Bill caught sight of a familiar yellow coat and stumbled towards, I followed closely behind. As the tears fell I held him close, weeping with him over his lost brother. The others quickly joined, and there we stayed, embracing each other tightly, a comforting silence hanging above us. The nightmares had finally ended, and this was the end.

A/N Finally got around to finishing this chapter off and it is long to say the least!

Almost finished!

Til next time,

-I x

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