S1, EP2 - Blinded By The Grimlock

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All Star - Smash Mouth (Aerial shots of San Francisco)

Baker High School, San Francisco - March 19

A black jeep came to a stop in one of the lanes where parents drop their kids off. Inside the car is Pip, Piper, Wyatt and Chris Halliwell. Pip is in the passenger seat with a backpack in the floorboard. He is wearing a button-up green and white plaid shirt with a pair of navy blue slacks. On his feet, were a pair blue slide-on vans. In fact, Pip owns 14 pairs of slide-on vans and each were a different color.

"Thanks for the ride, Aunt Piper. Do you accept money for gas?" Pip asks.

Piper laughs. "Pip, you don't have to pay me for taking you to school. I pass Baker everyday when I drop Wyatt and Chris off at Kennedy."

"Okay, though I still feel like I should repay you." Pip says.

"As long as you don't leave me a mess to clean up at the Manor, that'll be payment enough." Piper says to her newfound nephew. "Now go on, you don't wanna be late to the meeting with Principal Reynolds.

Pip opens the car door but turns back to his aunt "Bye Aunt Piper, are you or Mom going to be picking me up after school?"

"Probably me, which is fine." Piper says. Pip looks away from her. "Pip, you have to understand that she's really busy. She runs the Bay Mirror now, its a lot harder to get her away than it was for us back then.

Pip nods, sadly. "Its just..I came to San Francisco to spend time with my mom and so we could get to know each other. Not so I could become a witch and vanquish demons for the rest of my life."

Piper inhales. "Ah, so that's what this is about?" She puts a hand on Pip's shoulder and he is hit with a premonition.

A younger past Piper opens a drawer and a bunch of stuff falls out. She's talking on the phone, seemingly looking for something to write with. She looks to the floor and there's an engagement ring among the junk. The image changes and the same ring though more worn lies under a table in the foyer of the Manor. The premonition ends.

"You..you just. I know that look. You had a premonition. You had your first premonition." Piper says, a mixture excitement and worry in her voice.

"What did you see?" Chris asks, bouncing from the backseat.

"Yeah, tell us." Wyatt says, bouncing from his seat too. In that moment, all eyes were on Pip.

"I saw a younger you." He says to his aunt. "You were on the phone and looking for something to write with, then you found a ring on the floor." Pip says. He puts a hand to his forehand, trying to quickly recall the contents of the premonition before they left his mind. "Now the same ring is..under the table by the front door in the foyer." Pip says.

Piper looks to her hand and indeed her engagement ring, which used to be her mother's wedding ring, was in fact not on any of her fingers. "Oh my god!" She looks up at Pip. "I think you just repaid me."

"Hey, you were carrying the premonition." Pip says. "At least now we know one of my powers."

"You should go on. I need to hurry and get home so I can get that ring." Piper says, worriedly.

"Okay, love you guys." Pip says, stepping out of the jeep.

"Bye Pip." Wyatt and Chris shout to the their oldest cousin from the backseats of Piper's jeep.

"Bye Wyatt. Bye Chris. Be good you two." Pip says to the younger boys and shuts the passenger door. Pip turns and looks up at the school. "Here goes nothing."

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