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We all got up early and fed all the men leaving to get the guns and Merle back. Daryl knelt down in front of me and gave me a gun " Keep this on you at all times. You still got your knife?" " In my shoe" I answered " Good, I won't be gone long, I'll be back before you go to bed. Keep these people safe" " I will". Daryl pulled me into a tight hug " Be safe small fry" " You too double d" I smiled as I watched him hop in the truck " Come on let's go!" He shouted at Rick, I can already tell that those two aren't going to be friends.

I was at the lake playing with Carl and Shane as they were trying to hunt frogs and Shane wanted to try and cheer me up. " CARL!" A voice shouted and we turned to see Lori standing on top of the hill. " You better go" I said " I'll see you at dinner" Carl said and I nodded before walking to all the girls who were doing Landry. " I miss my coffee machine" Amy said " I miss my vibrater" Andrea said and I giggled as I helped Carol. Carol turned her head and glanced at Ed, before turning her head back and said " Me too". We all started laughing our heads off, practically on the ground laughing when the dick himself came over " What's so funny?" " Oh nothing Ed, just some girls having some fun" Andrea smiled.

" Shut your mouth I wasn't talking to you" Ed said " Now stop laughing and get back to work" " Here do it yourself" Andrea said throwing a wet shirt and Ed only for him to throw it back. Ed grabbed Carol and I stood up and pulled her back to Andrea " Don't you lay a damn finger on her" I growled " What? You think your so tough little girl, think your strong? Yet your not strong enough to stop your own brother from raping you". " Ed!" Amy shouted " Come on we're leaving" Ed grabbed Carol as we tried to pull her back, Ed slapped Carol across the face so I punched him in the jaw and kicked him in the nuts.

" You little whore!" Ed screamed at me before he grabbed me by the neck and punched me in the face " Ed! Put her down she's a child!" Ed pulled me in close " You know your brothers not doing it properly if you can still sass" Ed threw me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach a few times before Shane came over and threw him on the ground, beating him until his face was swollen and covered in blood. " If you lay a hand on your family I'll kill you, and if you dare touch this girl again, I will keep up the beating and then feed you to a walker, do you understand me?" Ed nodded and Shane picked me up and carried me to the camp site.

" Dale have you got any bandages or pain killers" Shane asked as we came to the camp " I should in my rv, why?" " Sela got hurt" Shane said as he sat me on a chair near Dale's rv. " Hurt? How? She was by the lake?" " Ed" Shane said as I pulled my shirt off for Shane who was checking my stomach. " Ed did this? He put his hands on a child?. Daryl will kill him for this" " He's not gonna know" I said " How are you going to explain a bruised eye and stomach to him Sela?".

" Can we talk about this another time? It's not important, I'm a tough girl, Daryl doesn't need to know shit". Shane gave me a pain killer and told me to come back in six hours for my next one, I nodded and walked away to an empty grass field near the camp and lay down with a sigh. ' What am I gonna do when they bring Merle home?' I kept asking myself as I stared at the bright blue sky above me." Hey Sela?" Carl's voice asked through the wind " Yeah" I said as he walked over, I moved over so he could lie beside me so together we could stare at the sky.

" What are you thinking about?" Carl asked and I sighed " About what will happen when Merle comes back" " He won't touch you again, I swear" " Why?" " Because I won't let him, or anyone else hurt you again". Carl held my hand,  I turned my head and looked at him in the eyes as he did to me " I promise I won't let anyone hurt you, till the day I die" " Why are you making this promise to me?" I asked and Carl fell silent for a while before answering with " Because your my best friend, and I don't want you getting hurt" " We're thirteen Carl, we can't protect each other" " No, but we can try". I smiled a little and kissed his cheek " Thanks Carl" " No problem Sela, now what happened to your face?".

" It's nothing" " Doesn't look like nothing" " Ed" I sighed and I felt his hand tighten around mine. " He hit Carol right after you left to go to your mom, so I attacked him so he attacked me" " And he got away with it?" " Oh god no, Shane beat him. Badly" " Good, he deserves it after what he does to Carol and Sophia". " You two should date" I said " Me and Carol?" Carl asked and I couldn't help but laugh " Yes, you two would make a great couple. But I mean you and Sophia" " Uhh, I don't know" " Why not? You two get on great, she's cute, and we're in a zombie apocalypse now so might as well get a relationship in there while you can" " No, I mean yeah she's a great friend but that's all she is, just a friend".

" What? You going to tell me you like another girl or something?" Carl didn't answer so I turned and saw he was staring at me " What?" I asked " You" " Me what?" " The girl I like, is you". My eyes went wide and I sat up and stared at him " Me? Why?" " Because your so cool, and funny and down to earth and have so many opinions on so many topics and your great to talk to. I really like you Sela". " Even after Merle?" " Yes, I liked you before I knew and I like you even more now because of how strong you are. There's nothing that can change my mind about you" Carl sat up and looked at me " So, how about it, will you be my girlfriend?" " Y-your girlfriend? Oh Carl, I-I don't know. I mean I still have to see what happens with Merle first" " That's cool, I don't mind you taking your time to answer. I'll wait as long as I have to".

After dinner we were all sitting around the fire again, except this time Carol and Sophia joined us at our fire cause Ed didn't want to come out of his tent. I sat by myself and stared into the fire, thinking about everything, about what Carl said, about how I'm going to deal with Daryl and Merle, it's all just too much. " Hey Dale your out of toilet paper. Ahhhhh!!!" We turned and saw Amy being bitten by a walker, I jumped up and shot the walked that bit her and before we knew it there were more than we could handle surrounding our camp. I shot as many as I could before I ran out of bullets " Fuck!" I shouted before I took my knife out of my shoe and started to stab a few in the head.

We heard guns and turned around to see everyone was back and had a lot more guns. When all the walkers were dead Andrea ran over to Amy and I ran over to Daryl. "I told you not to leave! This is all on your hands!" Shane shouted at Rick " If it wasn't for Rick we wouldn't have guns to be able to defend ourselves" I said then Shane turned on me " Yeah because you were able to defend yourself today real good" " Shut up Shane" " What is he talking about?" Daryl asked " She got attacked by Ed" " What? Why?! Where is he I'm gonna kill him" Daryl said looking around. " He hit Carol, I got angry and hit him so he grabbed my neck and hit me in the eye" I explained and Shane laughed.

" He hit you in the eye? Then show Daryl your stomach" " There's nothing wrong with my stomach" " I beg to differ". " Sela" Daryl said and I groaned a fine before pulling my shirt up and showing off my heavily bruised stomach " He's a dead man" Daryl said storming off to Ed's tent. I glared at Shane before turning to Rick " Where's Merle?" " We couldn't find him, he cut his hand off to get off the roof. He put a hot iron over his wound to seal it together and then he disappeared". " He's just gone?" " Yeah, but don't worry it's for the best" " Yeah, it is".

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