Chapter 36: Norman's Surprise

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Norman had opted to take his silver Porsche instead of the Jeep for this date night. He wanted everything to be perfect. He lead Mandi to the door, opening it, helping her in and closing the door. Then ran around to his door and got in. Mandi admired the black suit, with the white dress shirt and the black tie Norman wore. It was one he wore often to interviews, it was one of his favorites.

As they pulled up to Nic & Norman's Mandi looked at Norman wondering what was going on. Norman just smiled at her, getting out of the car, heading to her door to help her out. He took her arm and looped it with his leading her into the restaurant. When they got inside she gasped at how beautiful the place looked. There were candles on all the booths, with rose petals leading from the door to a small table in the middle of the room. One the table were more candles, and a bouquet of roses. Norman lead her to the table, taking her coat and pulling out her chair for her. He placed her coat on one of the nearby booths before retreating to the kitchen to let the staff know they had arrived.

While Norman was in the kitchen Mandi marveled at the transformation of the family style diner into a place that looked more suited for a formal dinner. As she sat there she was in awe of all the work he had put into doing this for her. She wondered what the special occasion was that prompted this.

Norman came back and sat at the table across from her. He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"What do you think, my love? Do you like it?"

"I love it. This is amazing. You did all this for me?"

"I did." He blushed.

"Thank you, Norman, it's beautiful. This is a wonderful surprise."

"The night is still young darlin', there may be more surprises to come." He out a handsome smirk on his face.

Just then Ang came out dressed in a long black skirt and a white button up shirt, with her hair in a bun. She looked like a waitress at an upscale place. She brought out two flutes placing them in front of them before pouring them some sort of bubbly alcohol. Ang told them dinner would be served momentarily before retreating to the kitchen. Norman raised his glass to her and she did the same. He proposed a toast.

"To the most intelligent, brave, amazing, beautiful woman who I have ever met. To our life together so far and hopefully to a continued long happy life together."

They clicked glasses and she took a sip of the bubbly liquid, the bubbles tickled her nose, as the sweet substance ran down her throat. Once the liquid hit her tongue she realized they were drinking champagne. Before either could say anymore Ang brought out two plates of food, setting them in front of them.

"Tonight Chef Asher has prepared special for you two, a filet mignon with zip sauce. Roasted brussel sprouts with a fig balsamic reduction, and duchess potatoes. If you need anything just call and I shall return."

Mandi was almost salvating with how great the food looked and smelled. She could only hope it tasted as wonderful as it looked. As she cut into her steak it was cooked perfectly. Taking the first bite she moaned as the meat melted in her mouth. Norman smiled as he watched her take the first bite. They two sat and ate. They didn't talk much as the food was to amazing they couldn't stop eating it. When they were finished Ang came and took the plates away and returned to the kitchen with Asher to prepare dessert. It was the most important part of the whole meal. The two talked about how delicious the food was while Ang was gone.

Mandi's attention was drawn away from Norman as Ang brought out a small plate with a silver lid over it. She wondered what was under the small sparkling silver dome. Setting the small plate in front of Mandi, she descended back into the kitchen. Mandi went to take the lid off but Norman took her hand off the lid and placed it in his own. Then her slide down to the floor on one knee.

"Mandi, I know we have only been dating a short time. In that time we have already gone through and conquered some big hurdles together. After everything that had happened I know that you and I are stronger together. Together we can face any challenge life throws our way."

Norman's hands start to shake. A lone tear falls down her cheek realizing what is happening. She squeezes his hands, to show her support for him. He is grateful for the small show of support, taking a deep breathe he continues.

"I fell in love with you from the first moment we met on that isolated dirt road. The moment I looked into your eyes, I knew I needed you to be mine. Over the last couple of weeks, my love for you has only grown stronger, the more time we spend together. I know that even with more time my love for you will only continue to grow." A tear streams down his cheek and he chokes up a little.

She reaches her small hand to his face and wipes the tear, leaving it there to comfort him.

"The past couple of days has really got me thinking a lot. Mostly that I don't know what I would ever do if I ever lost you. The day your ex showed up I was so worried that he would take you away from me." More tears roll down his face as he remembers what Jake did to her.

Mandi takes both hands, gently wiping away the tears of the man she loves before giving him a small kiss. Norman smiles at her looking in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I have spent a long time trying to figure out what I wanted in life. But two days ago as I lay in my bed holding you, it was like I could see all the puzzle pieces of my life finally falling into place. The piece that had been missing for so long, the most important piece of the puzzle the one that holds it all together, had finally been placed. That piece is you."

Norman reaches on the table removing the silverdome to reveal a small chocolate dessert with chocolate lace surrounding the whole thing. Strawberries had been cut and placed on top. On top of one of the strawberries lay a black gold ring. It had an aquamarine her birthstone in the middle and it had to pieces that intertwined covered in small diamonds. He took the ring in his hand, taking her hand in his.

"Mandi will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man in the world and complete my puzzle by becoming my wife?" His voice was trembling a contrast to the usual strong tone it took on.

Mandi jumped from her chair wrapping her arms around his neck. She knelt down in front of him and kissed him. It started out slow and soft and soon turned more passionate, as tears flowed down both their cheeks. When they pulled away Norman looked at the angel in front of him.

"Is that a yes?" He questioned unsure, wanting to hear the answer from her sweet soft voice.

"Yes! A thousand time yes!" She said excitedly.

Norman placed the ring on her finger and stood up helping her stand up also. Then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed his wife to be. Just then they both heard clapping coming from behind them. When she turned around she saw her parents, his mother and sister, all the staff from Nic & Norman's, all the cast of the Walking Dead and a number of their close friends. They all congratulated them and hugs and kisses were exchanged. Everyone there celebrated and joined in there excitement. Norman had had a baquet prepared for them in another room well they waited. When dessert was brought out Asher went and got everyone to see the proposal. Jeffery made sure to video the whole thing and sent it to both their phones.

When it started to get late, the newly engaged couple said their goodbye before heading back to Norman's place. Mandi thought about that for a second realizing that it was no longer just Norman's place, soon it would be their home together. Especially since he had already asked her to move in with him in both the New York and Georgia house. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to be getting to spend the rest of her life with such a kind, caring, loving, intelligent, handsome man. She was so happy and excited about the engagement that she almost forgot her own surprise. That is until they pulled up to the house, now it was her turn for surprises.

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