Chapter 36

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Shockwave jumped aside and avoided the blast of energy the Grandmaster had just fired at him. He grunted and stared at the Grandmaster. There was no way he’d survive this fight. But he couldn’t let the kid be a bigger man than him.
“Traitors. They’re everywhere.”
“You’re the traitor. You’ve betrayed New York.”
“Don’t get all heroic on me. You’ve been killing this city long before I decided to pay you for it. You’re a thief and a scoundrel.”
“Maybe I am. But I’ve seen the light.”
“The light?” Grandmaster repeated and laughed. “There is no light in your life, Daniel. You’ve killed helpless mothers, fathers, children. Your crimes are unthinkable. And you think stopping me will be your redemption?”
“You’re not my redemption. But you’re the first step to it,” Shockwave stated and knocked Grandmaster off his feet with a blast.
“I won’t kill you because they’ll brand you a hero. I’ll let you survive so you can face penance for everything you’ve done but I’m going to hurt you first,” the Grandmaster warned.
“For years, you’ve been all talk. Hiding in the shadows. But you’re not a god. You’re not all that powerful and I know why.”
“Because you’re only one part of the entity. The Phoenix isn’t you. Just a percent of it is within you. Your cosmic power? It’s a lie. You only have one percent cosmic power within you.”
“Let me show you what one percent cosmic power can do?”
“Let me show you what a level 5 shockwave can do!” Shockwave growled and his hands glowed blue. “No gauntlets to limit my abilities again. You won’t survive this day.”
“Neither will you.”
Shockwave growled and charged at the Grandmaster, dodging his blasts on the way and landing a few punches before blasting him backwards with a shockwave.
He smiled as the Grandmaster crashed through a vat and hit the ground hard, rolling and dripping wet in whatever the vat had contained.
“I underestimated you, Daniel.”
“I’m not done yet.”
“But you are,” Grandmaster said softly and Shockwave found himself rooted to the spot, unable to move as the Grandmaster hovered towards him.
“Fight like a man, not a coward!’
“Okay,” Grandmaster obliged and punched Shockwave upwards and he went straight through the ceiling.
The Grandmaster shot upwards and continued punching Shockwave till they broke the surface and reached the streets then he slammed his fists into Shockwave’s back and sent him crashing straight back down into the lair.
Shockwave hit the ground hard and coughed up blood, groaning as he tried to crawl away but the Grandmaster land hard on the ground next to his head and lifted him off the ground like a piece of paper with a tight grip on his head.
“I could crack your skull open like an egg with 1% of my full force which is a thousand times more than the amount of power you’ve exhibited your whole life put together,” the Grandmaster stated menacingly.
“So do it.”
“If you want to die, then it would be my greatest honor to take away your pitiful life.”
“Let him go!” growled a deep voice and Grandmaster sighed and turned around to find someone in a black and white suit standing next to Miles’s unconscious form. The white on the suit emitted a slight glow and the Grandmaster immediately figured out what the suit really was.
“The symbiote.”
“You bet your sour ass it’s the symbiote,” Dil’s voice said from behind the suit and he clenched his fists tight.
“And you think you’ll defeat me with that?”
“Yes. Because I’m not alone.”
Max Modell landed in the lair next to Dil in a blue and red suit of armor and chuckled as he stared at the Grandmaster.
“Can’t believe I’m the new Iron Man,” he murmured.
Miles groaned and pushed himself up onto his feet and Dil provided assistance. “You might have beaten me on my own, Grandmaster,” Miles groaned. “But even you can’t defeat all of us. Not united.”
“And that’s what we are,” Sam said as he flew into the room. “Because that’s what it means to be good. To have a home you care about and want to protect. That’s what it means to be heroes. Unity.”
“Let’s take him,” Shockwave said as he climbed up onto his feet and punched the Grandmaster backwards with full force, sending him flying through a wall.
“That’s my full force,” Shockwave muttered and spat blood out of his mouth onto the ground.
“Sam, you’re alive?” Miles queried.
“Seems so. My body was just busy processing all that absorbed energy for it to be much use,” Sam said and smiled as his eyes emitted a red glow. “The red look’s gonna take a little while to get used to.”
“Is it permanent?”
“Hopefully not. I like blue better.”
“You know,” the Grandmaster began as he rose to his feet in a demonic, Dracula-ish way, “the Avengers were very united before their downfall. But they’re all gone now, aren’t they?”
Dil shrugged. “It also only took a stone to bring down Goliath. I guess we’re the stone,” he murmured and dashed towards Grandmaster at an amazing speed.
The Grandmaster fired a beam of energy from his palm but Dil moved swiftly and avoided it, landing in a number of punches in quick succession.
Dil stepped aside as Modell fired a blast at the Grandmaster and knocked him backwards to the ground.
“You’re outnumbered.”
“And you’re outpowered,” the Grandmaster replied as he rose to his feet yet again. “So many attacks and not a single bruise inflicted. You poor heroes need to save yourself a lot of time and go back to the gutter you crawled out of.”
“I’m not going to give up fighting,” Miles said. “Not till you’re dead.”
“Oh, so killing’s on the table now? Should have led with that,” Grandmaster said and grinned and he shot towards Shockwave but Sam flew into his path and fired a red beam at him knocking him backwards.
Miles wasn’t sure how powerful Sam had gotten but the red beam had definitely bruised Grandmaster.
“Using my power against me?” he demanded angrily.
“It’s not your power,” Sam stated. “And you’re not the one who stopped the Avengers. You’re only a mere fraction of the thing that did.”
“What are you talking about?” Miles asked.
“The power I absorbed. It’s a perverted form of pure celestial cosmic energy. And there’s only one being in the entire universe who could give off such energy. The Anti-Quantum Force.”
“And he’s using that same power?”
“Only a percentage of it. The power’s too much for one human being to wield completely but the upside is once we take that power from him, he reverts back to a normal coward with authoritarian ideas.”
“How do you plan on stripping a god of his powers?” Grandmaster asked.
“We’ll beat them out of you,” Miles answered and his eyes glowed red as electricity crackled to life in them.

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