Part 12

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After 2 days ragini is in her cabin checking files ..
Her phone rings ..she goes towards her phone and sees harshad name flashing she smiles and lifts his call.
Ragini:- hello.
Harshad:- hi ragini..
If you are free can i talk to you.
Ragini:- talking but you said if i am free then you will take me to a place..
Harshad laughs and says to him self pagal ladki..
Harshad:- for that purpose only i called you yar..

Ragini smiles by lisening yar word.
Ragini:- ok then lisen i am free tomorrow .
So where were you going to take me.
Harshad:- do you knew the meaning of surprise..
Ragini:- yes.
Harshad:- then wait.
Ragini:- ok.
Harshad:- be ready tomorrow early morning 5 clock ok.
Ragini:- ok sir.
Harshad:- welcome madam.
Ragini:- army sir if i became late means will you give me punishment..
Harshad:- laughs and says ofcourse any doudt
Ragini:- no doudt sir by the way what will be my punishment.
Harshad:- hmmmm another trip.
Ragini:- then i will come definetly late..
Both laughs and hangs their calls.
Harshad:- i dont knew whether i love you or not but i also stayed happy being with you..
Ragini:- i am waiting for your surprise harshad..
Ragini lost in her world where harshad too lost in his world…
Sachin smiles who lisens to thrir conversion by standing at his cabin which was not noticed by
Ragini thoughts were disturbed by heavy sounds and shoutings coming from outside her cabin.
She gets worried and goes towards door.
Before she open door.
The door opened with a thud sound..
And ragini stood their in shock seeing few men standing infront of her habing gun and masks on their faces..
They immediatedly comes and gets hold of ragini neck and pointing gun at her….
Ragini:- who are you all.
Leave me please..
Goons:- arey your daughter of great major sachin thyagi and sister of captain adarsh thyagi and you are getting afraid.
Ragini looks at them shocked.

Goons:- what are you seeing me like that shock.
Your father thinks himself as a brave right .
Lets see now by seeing you with us how he will be brave.
Ragini:- my dad will not get afraid to people like you.
Goons holds her neck tightly and drags her outside.
Ragini wincs in pain and gets shocked seeing whole hospital being captured by goons who were having guns..
They drags ragini in to centre of hall and threws her on floor and one of goon sits next to her and remaing made a circle around her..
Here in harshad cabin.
Sachin entres in harshad cabin.
Harshad by looking at him immediatedly gets up and salutes to him were sachin too salutes to him.
Sachin:- i transfered to here harshad.
Harshad:- smiles and says congrates sir..
Harshad about yo speak but arjun came running to harshad cabin.
Sachin and harshad were looking at him with shock.
Harshad:- what happen why r u tensed..
Arjun breaths heavily and looking at sachin in tensed..
Sachin:- what happen captain arjun why r u seeing me like that.
Mean time general also reaches their hurriedly.
Arjun:- sir.. few terriosts attacked life line hospital and held your daughter capitive…
And looks at harshad..
Both looks on shocked..
General continues..

General:- they are demanding to see you sachin..
Sachin stands like statue..
Harshad who is having tears in his eyes and keeps his shivering hands on sachin.
Sachin immediatedly collapes on chair..all rushes towards him.
Sachin:- my daughter..
Is she alive .. will she be.. no no i cant think like this ..
She is my world harshad and she is senstive..
What might be the situation in hospital..
Did they killed innocent in name of geeting hold of my daughter..
If they did i cant bear..

I am ready to bear my own loss but nothing should happen to innocent people..
Harshad:- nothing will happen to anyobe sir..
General:- we have to go their sachin.they are waiting for us.
They gave particular time.
They said if we didnot reach on time they will kill all innocent people and your daughter also..
They three starts to go to hospital.

Precap:- ragini being toture infront of sachin…
Sachin stand still by closing eyes..

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