My oc/ Example form

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Name: Tyler Rogue Jones

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Description: Ginger long hair, left eye is red, right eye is green, 5'7", scar across her left eye, black rimmed glasses.

Occupation: Detective/Undercover agent

Parents: Doesn't talk about them.(revealed later). Father figure - Bruce Wayne

Love Interest: Dick Grayson

Personality: Mysterious, acts like Bruce alot, some form, cold, insensitive to others, sociopathic

Backstory/Origin: Parents abused her and experimented on her when she was a newborn. Two months later, the Devil aaved her and she lived in Hell until she was five. He didn't know her name so he called her Tyler. Until the age of five, she grew up admiring the heroes from Hell. That's when she ran away, escaping the firy pits of Hell.

Tyler lived on the streets for the next two years, fending for herself until she met Bruce, aka Batman. He took her in and treated her like she was his own. A few months later, Dick Grayson joined the household. She went through most of her childhood bullied.

At the age of 16, Tyler ran away, hoping to understand herself better. She stumbled across a base...a Court of Owls base. Hacking through the documents, she discovered that she was an experiment. An experiment which was meant to become a Weapon. Shocked by this, she downloaded all the files and blew the place up.

She bought a penthouse on the North side of Gotham, which over viewed the city. That's what it was. Slowly, she began to build her own weapons when she creating an Artificial Intelligence Unit... COMPUTE also known as SAI (Sarcastic Artificial Intelligence).

She delved deeper into her life, discovering new things about herself...including her true birth name. (Which no one knows). Tyler returned to the manor at the age of 22.  The batboys are like her overprotective bros, however, she wished Dick was something more to her than acting like the best friend.

Mentor: Many. Mainly Batman

Hero name: The Weapon

Weapons: Escrima Sticks, utility belt, teleportation device (in the form of a watch)

Abilities/Powers: Quick reflexes, good deduction skills, flexible.

Notes: She's schizophrenic and sometimes talks to herself, when in actual fact she's talking to the voices. She may be seen alone as she is trying to calm herself down. She gets over protective on the bat family if they're hurt/injuried as they are her second family. She may not tolerate childishness as she doesn't understand it.

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