Chapter 1

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On a cold moonlit night in December, a lone wolf is walking through the woods of New Brunswick, Canada. It’s fur as white as the snow-covered ground, it’s path only illuminated by the full moon floating high above. This is Emile Darlene, and she is going to share her story…

I'm running through the snow white woods of New Brunswick, Canada. The trees fly by, bits of green, brown and white melding together.  Freshly fallen snow is covering my tracks but my scent is still strong. My fur blending in with the snow around me. I haven't stopped to eat for days in fear that the rogues that destroyed my pack and killed my family will catch up with me. I'm not safe out here but I have to keep running. It's a good thing I am an Alpha's daughter or I would of been caught by now. 

I look to the sky and see the moon... I miss my family. We were getting ready for Christmas when the rogues attacked us with out warning. Dad had to go out to fight them, while mum was getting all the women, elderly and children into that safe room. I lost my dad, then my mum who I saw get dragged away and killed. I had to get everyone out via the tunnels that run under the pack. After I had gotten everyone out, we ran as fast as we could only for the rogues to give chase and kill who was left. One by one our numbers lessened, the warriors that were left to protect us tried to save people only for them to be killed. I was told to run as fast as I can. To find another pack. I was the only to survive the attack.

I decide to stop and rest for a while. As I slow my speed from a run to a walk I smell a juicy rabbit and I decide to stalk it. I get down low to the ground and move slowly until I see the it. I may be Little but Mum and Dad did teach me how to hunt small animals. The rabbit hops away and I give chase, out running the rabbit and catching it in my jaws. Its blood stains the fur around my mouth pink as I eat it. My eyelids become heavy with exhaustion and I decide to go lie under a tree and sleep for a bit. It's not like my soft bed backs home with my mountain of stuffies, but it will have to do. I go to sleep, unaware that I had stumbled on to another packs land.


I awake not even ten minutes later to howls and the thumping of paws that grow closer and closer. Realizing I'm on pack territory, I stand slowly, still tired as I wait for them to take me to some holding cells or to be attacked.

Three wolves and a man come through the trees where I am waiting. Two of the wolves are grey with a white underbelly, one darker than the other, both have deep green eyes, the third wolf is more of a sandy blond color with blue eyes and the man has mousy brown hair and eyes that remind me of chocolate. The man radiates power...not Alpha power... maybe he is the Beta?

"Shift, Rogue!" the Beta yelled at me, making me whimper and cower away.

I shift, bringing my knees up for coverage as I am naked and didn't bring bag of clothes. The Beta sees this, takes his top off and hands it to me turning away. The wolves also turn away. I slip the shirt on, which falls to my knees and I feel less exposed. The Beta turns back and faces me once again.

"Who are you and why are you on our land, Rogue!?" the maybe Beta snaps again, and again I whimper and cower away from him.
" di- I me...m... mean I...I... I didn't i was o...o... on p...p... pack territory. I...I... I’ve been running for a...a...a... a few days... Ever since my pack was attacked.... and destroyed by rogues d... d....dat we...we...were chasie me. name is Emilie Darlene a… and I am the sole s....s... survivor of the Flaming Phoenix pack." I reply, terrified and trying not to slip into little space.

"Well, Emilie Darlene. Last we heard, the Flaming Phoenix pack had no survivors. But we shall go see the Alpha to see if what you have told us is true. I am Beta Michael and that is all you need to know." Beta Michael tells me in a flat tone that tells me he doesn't believe me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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