Rescuing Magdala from the Slytherin gang

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One evening during the feast at Hogwarts in 1996, The 6th year Slytherin students: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle were just hanging out in the Bathrooms where Moaning Myrtle was, They have the Polyjuice Potion which they stole from Snape's office, they already have stolen the Gryffindor robes from the laundry and had Dean Thomas and Lavender Brown asleep with a little bit of sleeping draft and pulled out their hairs.

What are they doing? Well, they have a secret plan for tonight which is: to break into the Gryffindor common room, kidnapped Magdala while she is asleep and leave a note on her bed. Mostly because Magdala pranked Malfoy by putting worms in his shoes.

Once Pansy finished the potion, She says to Blaise, "Well Blaise, time to drink the potion. But first, we have to add the hairs of Dean Thomas and Lavender Brown. Bottoms up." So Blaise and Pansy drank the potion after they add the hairs of who they are turning into, Blaise is turning into Dean Thomas and Pansy is turning into Lavender Brown. Draco says to the gang, "Remember the plan, guys." And they all nodded in agree. So Pansy and Blaise disguise as Lavender and Dean go over to the Gryffindor table and Blaise in his Dean's voice said to Seamus and Oliver, "Hey, where's Magdala and what's the password to the common room?". Oliver said, "I don't know where my little Golden Snitch is, but the password is 'Fortuna Major'. " Pansy says in a Lavender voice said to Oliver, "Woh Woh Woh, what do you mean your 'little Golden Snitch' and what are you doing here?". Oliver said, "Oh yeah I'm the new Hogwarts Quidditch referee for Hogwarts when Madam Hooch retired and when I mean my 'little Golden Snitch' I meant Magdala, she is my girlfriend now and we've been dating for 4 months." Seamus said, " May I suggest the Gryffindor common room in her dorm sleeping early cause she has Quidditch practice early in the morning at 6:00 am." Pansy as Lavender said, " Thanks guys we will keep that in mind."

So Pansy(Lavender) and Blaise(Dean) went upstairs to the Gryffindor tower and then went to the Portrait hole of the Gryffindor Tower where they find Ginny and Harry on one couch snogging along with Ron and Hermione snogging on the other couch. Pansy(Lavender) sneaked up to the girls dormitory, finds Magdala sleeping like an angel in her bed having a curly ponytail wearing Oliver's old Quidditch shirt, shorts, and knee-high fuzzy socks.

So she took the blanket off of Magdala slowly and carried her off the bed, left a note on her bed, and went downstairs without anyone looking she and Blaise(Dean) sneak out of the portrait hole and went downstairs as fast as possible, being careful not to wake Magdala.
After they turned back into themselves, they went to the dungeons to meet up with Draco and the others. "Crabbe, Goyle, bring in the mattress and ropes and Blaise, Pansy you can put Magdala on the mattress and tie her up gently and tightly, and you can go back to the Common room.", Draco ordered. So Crabbe and Goyle bring in the mattress and ropes, and Blaise and Pansy put her on the mattress and tied her ankles and wrists very gently and tightly.

Blaise and Pansy left the dungeons, changed back into their normal robes, and went back to their common rooms plus Crabbe and Goyle kept guard outside of the Dungeons. Draco looked at Magdala, still sleeping but then she woke up and she couldn't move and said, "Where the bloody hell am I? Why can't I move? This isn't my dormitory." Draco said to Magdala, "No it's not, you silly girl. You're in the dungeons. And you're not getting out until you admit that you pranked me by putting worms in my shoes."

Magdala said, "What? I have no idea what you're talking about. I was just chilling."

Draco knew that Magdala lied.

Draco poked Magdala in the abdomen and she started to giggle. And he started to smirk mischievously and said, "Magdala, are you ticklish?". Then Magdala was shocked cause Draco founded Magdala's weakness and she said, "Draco, no, please, let me go I'll do anything." She begged and pleaded but it was no use Draco lifted up Magdala's shirt to reveal her belly and started wiggling his fingers into her abdomen mercilessly and she started to scream in laughter.

"DRACO!!! Pleaseeee Stttooppp it." Magdala begged into laughter. So Draco went down to Magdala's feet and dragged his fingers over her feet and began wiggling his fingers over them mercilessly and she began to squirm and giggle into screams. "I didn't know how ticklish your little feet are Magdala," Draco smirked. So he took off Magdala's socks and tickle them mercilessly then he went up to her thighs and tickled the back of her knees.

Meanwhile back at the Gryffindor girls dormitory, Ginny and Hermione went in and found out that Magdala has disappeared, and Ginny said to Hermione, "Merlin's beard, where's Magdala." Hermione said, "I don't know, she's not in her bed. Do you think she might sleepwalk out of here?" Ginny responded, "She doesn't sleepwalk. Oh, look a note.'' Ginny spotted a note on Magdala's bed and read it aloud:

"They always say the revenge is a dish best serves cold. I decided to get my revenge on Magdala.

Signed D.M."

''Malfoy's up to no good, we have to get the others," Ginny said.

"Good idea, I'll get Ron and Harry and you'll get Oliver," Hermione responded

"Ron!Harry! Ginny and I need your help." demanded Hermione.

Harry and Ron both said at the same time, "What's going on, Hermione."

Hermione said, "It's Magdala, Malfoy and his Slytherin gang kidnapped her and left this note."

Hermione gave the note to Ron and Harry and they were shocked.

"Well here we go again. Malfoy's insane." Harry exclaimed.

"I agree," Ron responded.

So Ginny, Oliver, Hermione, Harry, and Ron got together and had a plan to save Magdala from the humorous reign of Malfoy and his gang. So they went to the dungeons but hid behind the Great Hall so Crabbe and Goyle couldn't see them

and Harry whispered, ''Ok guys remember the plan. Ginny, Hermione, Ron you distract Crabbe and Goyle with the Puking Pastilles, just say it's taffy and give it to Crabbe and Goyle and Oliver and I can sneak past you guys to find and rescue Magdala. Kapish."

And they all nodded in agreement.

So Ginny, Hermione, and Ron went to Crabbe and Goyle and Ron said, "Hey guys, we're sorry to bother you, but would you guys like some taffy we bought it at Honeydukes but we didn't like it, so you could have some."

Crabbe and Goyle both said, "Sure! Why not."

So Crabbe and Goyle took the so-called taffies and ate them and suddenly they ran to the bathrooms with their hands over their mouths about to puke.

"Hahahaaha pleaseeeee let-et-et meee gooo Dracooo." Magdala laughed.

"I would love to but I can't cause your too ticklish," Draco said as he tickled Magdala's sides and armpits.

"Now don't you move, I'll be right back," Draco said as he left to go get something.

So Oliver and Harry sneaked into the dungeons and Malfoy wasn't there so they saw Magda tied up on the mattress, struggling to get out.

Oliver was surprised to see his girlfriend again and he said, "Oh! Magdala, my little Golden Snitch, are you wearing my old Quidditch shirt."

Magdala looks at Oliver, surprised, "Oh! Oliver, my Quaffle, and yes I am, but I am so glad to see you guys, how did you find me?"

"We found a note on your bed, so we had to come and save you," Harry answered.

Oliver and Harry untied Magda with an untying charm and Magda put her arms around Oliver and they kissed.

Harry felt awkward at the moment and said, "Ok, lovebirds let's get out of here before--"

Before Harry could finish his sentence, Draco came back and he was shocked and said in a falsetto voice, "Well well well, if it isn't the brave prince Potter saving the damsel in distress. You're not going anywhere Potter until I have my vengeance on the Diggory girl, she pranked me."

Magdala said in honesty, "Fine I did prank you. It's just to tell you don't screw with the Gryffindors. You screwed with a lion you get eaten."
She growled, trying to get to Malfoy. Oliver pulled he back, "Now now my love. Will let Harry deal with it."

Oliver and Magdala ran from the dungeons. At least Magdala was safe and okay.


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