chapter 4: On board

Start from the beginning


“No problem. Anyway, she has two questions. First, why, out of four million men living in New York city, did you pick Noah Puckerman to be your gay lover? And secondly, she wants to know what kind of blackmail material you have on him?”

Finn laughed. “I called in a favor with Puck. Look, I’m about to get on the subway, so if there's something you want...”

“Oh yeah. Well, Mom ran into Shelby Corcoran and Judy Fabray the other day. They were trying on bathing suits. Apparently they're going on a girlie vacation to Mexico with Rachel and Quinn. And they're leaving on Saturday.”

“Saturday?” Finn repeated with relief. He said a silent prayer of thanks that neither girl would be at the wedding. “Thanks, Kurt.”

“By the way, Dad says that you and Puck make a really cute couple and he hopes you're very happy together.

“Goodnight, Kurt.” Finn said, and hung up.

“Flight Three-five-nine to Boston Logan is now boarding. Can all passengers please make their way on board.” 

“That's us,” Finn said. 

“Ok,” Puck replied.

Neither of them moved from the plastic seats they were waiting on. Puck was watching highlights of a basketball game on his phone and Finn was people watching. 

He watched as the queue for the plane dwindled down as people boarded. “We should go,” he said after a few minutes.


Finn had been sure that Puck would have come up with some excuse not to come to the wedding, or simply not shown up at the airport at all. So he was surprised that Puck had not only been there waiting as promised, but he was even wearing the 'gay clothes' that Kitty had picked out for him. 

“It's only a couple of days. Before we know it, we'll be back here, laughing about the weekend,” Finn said to convince himself as much as Puck.

Puck cast a longing look in the direction of the exit. “Sure,” he grunted.

Finn checked the queue and realized that they were the last two waiting to board. The flight attending was glaring pointedly at them. “We have to go.”

He stood up and gathered his things. Puck followed slowly, trudging reluctantly and sighing the whole time. Finn wished that he'd thought to show Puck Travis's article. It might have helped Puck to have a reason to do this. 

“Listen, I want to do something on the plane,” Finn said as the walked down the gangplank to the plane.

“Like what?”

“Hold hands. Maybe just a little peck,” Finn said. “There's been a couple of high profile cases of discrimination by airlines. I just want to see if we experience anything.”

Puck made a whining sound but he nodded in acceptance. “Fine. I hate you.”

They rounded the corner and stepped aboard the plane. “No you don't, you love me,” Finn said with a saucy wink in Puck's direction, for the benefit of the flight attendant who was greeting them.

Puck grimaced a little but he managed to blow a little kiss at Finn.

Twenty-five minutes later, they were in the air. Puck had stuck his head in a magazine, clearly hoping that Finn had forgotten all about his plan. 

Finn looked around at their neighbors. Directly across the aisle from them was a woman with three small children under seven. There was an elderly couple behind them, and a young couple in front. Judging by the way they were currently slobbering all over each other, Finn guessed they would probably spend most of the flight in the restroom. 

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