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[Kenny x reader]


That damned clock was just a reminder at this point that I have too live. No matter what happens I live

But she can't. I'm the reason shes not here anymore. She died and its my fault. If I had picked up the signs-- maybe. Maybe I could have saved her. She didn't deserve this.

[3 weeks ago, Y/N's pov]
I took a deep breath as I entered the school. I never was really welcomed here. Always harmed, shot dirty looks. Not many people seemed to care. Except him. I rushed too my locker and put my stuff away--
I yelped in pain,my hand had got crushed by the locker. tears building in the corner of my eyes, I look at the person that did it.
Bebe Stevens
Queen of highshool.

"What's up, sweetie~?" She said it in a sickeningly sweet tone

"N-nothing.." My voice was soft and fragile
"The usual excuse." She rolled her diamond blue eyes , removing her hand from my locker.

I remove my hand and look. She crushed it hard, I couldn't even move it. Shoving me down she stomped on my stomach, then walked away

'Fuck..' I stand up, gripping my , probably bruised, stomach

I close my eyes, catching my breath. I stumble too the nurse, not noticing Kenny and his upset face.


I whimper as the doctor wrapped my hand, getting ready to put the cast on my broken fingers. Who knew she could do that.

My father came to get me from the hospital ans took me home. I instantly rush upstairs. And sit in my bed.

Knocking at my window grabs my attention. I slowly make my way there, seeing- Mysterion?

Opening the window with my good hand I look at him, clearly confused.
He visited often, but I knew he went too South Park High. I could just tell.

"Mysterion-- don't you have school?" I backed up so he could enter.

I sat on my bed, watching as he walked over "Who hurt you?" He pointed at my cast. "Oh, this?" I looked down at it, "I did."

He narrowed his eyes "Liar. Who?" His voice was serious, intimidating.

I whimper "Just a girl at school."
"I need a name, Y/N."

I stare out the window, not wanting to answer. "Y/N. Who."

I sink back "Bebe Stevens.." I muttered quietly.

He nodded, approving my answer. "Alright. Now, why did you let her do that?" I stare at the ground.

Why did I let her do that?
I didn't even know.
"I'm weak. A single person, I wouldn't be able to fight her and her goons."

He frowned "What about your friends?"

"Friend. I only have one. And I don't like bothering him with my problems. I don't like botheting you with my problems."

He had sat down next too me


He looked at me, confused "Yes, Y/N?"

"I'm breaking. No. I'm broken. I don't think I'll last much longer in this hell." That was true, I'm damaged severaly. And I don't think I can last anymore

He hugged me tight, careful not too bump my hand. "Princess, I will help you. I will put you back together..."

I was almost in tears, but he had too go. Climbing out the window he left.


[Week later, No one POV.]

Bebe had shown up at the L/N's household. She was shaken and scared, but unharmed.
It had been a week since anyone, even Kenny, had seen Y/N.

There was a reason for that.

Her dad left the day he got her from the hospital, business trip for 2 weeks.

Becoming impation Bebe opened the door. It was dark and quiet. "H-Hello?" Her voice echoed through the house.

Quiet sobs came from the bathroom upstairs. calling Kenny, she made her way up too the bathroom. "Ken-- she's sobbing in a bathroom-- the doors locked... Hurry" the call ended and Kenny was rushing down the road too get to you.

You, on the other hand where in the bathroom, shaking and sobbing, fumbling with a pill bottle.

Kenny finally got there, running upstairs too the bathroom. He banged on the door "HEY-- Y/N!? ARE YOU OKAY?!" He jiggled the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge.

He ramed into it, not hearing anything "Y/N!? BEBE, CALL 911! NOW" he continued to try and open the door.

Bebe did as told, explaining the situation too the police as she called them.

Kenny finally opened the door, seeing his princess his angel his crush on the floor, dying. She had taken too many pills.

He fell too the ground and lifted her into his arms "Y/N! DON'T LEAVE! PLEASE!"

Sne look at his ice blue eyes and cup his cheek with her shaky hand "Kenneth McCormick, I, Y/N L/N am in love with you.."

Y/N gave a weak smile, eyes half lidded

"I- Y/N..." He was crying. You loved him back, but you where dying in his arms!

The paramedics came, rushing her too the hospital too get her stomach pumped...


He paced his room. He was worried.
Why had he not seen the signs?
He was your best friend. He should habe known what you meant!

"I'm breaking. No. I'm broken. I don't think I'll last much longer in this hell.."

Those words echoed in his head, he shook, leaning against the wall, tears streaming down his face.

He slowly slid down against the wall, hugging his knees..
"Y/N...I'm so sorry" his voice wavered.


He entered the hospital, he came to hear if you where okay or not--

He walked to the desk and told the nurse who he was looking for. Giving him the room number he headed that way.


When he arrived a doctor had exited the room. He walked up too the doctor "Is- is she okay?" His voice was soft and wavery

The doctor looked down them back up. "Mr.McCormick, she has passed. I am so sorry."

Tears streamed down his face, he felt his heart shatter. "NO!" He was shaking "NONONO! Y/N- SHE CAN'T DIE! Y/N CAN'T DIE!" He sobbed

The doctor had too lead him outside, where he collapsed too his knees "she can't... She cant die.." He mumbled too himself.

[Present Day Kennys POV]

I wiped my tears as I stare at her body in the coffin. She's still so beautiful. I was the last in there.

"My angel...why did you do this.."

This is my fault.
I should have know.
I should have helped.

[In loving memory of Y/N L/N. A wonderful girl taken too soon...]

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