I hate it! I actually hate it! Every time I go onto Instagram I'd see something like a picture of me hugging Marcus with sick face emojis all around me. Or one time I saw my face actually cropped onto a cows body!

I've talked to Marcus about it all and he just says to try and ignore it but I can't. It's impossible to ignore it when it's haunting me every time I click on Instagram!

And on top of all that, I've lost my best friend. Yes, Megan. She seems to have forgotten about me and gone off with Amy instead. She's only known her for a couple of days and they're now apparently "besties"!?!?!

I've known her since nursery but all I get is a strange look from across the hall. She's been completely ignoring me and I miss her. I really need her at the moment as well with what I'm going through.

I need someone to talk to but I don't have anyone now. I mean yeah there's Marcus but let's be honest, he's not the best for advice. He's comforting and all but I need Megan. She always knows what to do but I can't talk to her now cause she's too busy having fun with Amy!

Anyway, I'm sitting on the bus right now on my bed. Everyone's inside doing sound check and stuff but I just really couldn't handle being around everyone at the moment. Being on this tour, I'm practically with people all the time, even when I'm on the tour bus. So I decided to have some aloe time to gather my thoughts.

Marcus offered to stay with me but Dave insisted he had to go to soundcheck so that idea was screwed. It was actually quite nice to be alone for once. Normally I hate being alone and always want someone with me but not now.

Suddenly, I heard the door unlock and swing open. To my surprise, in walked Martinus.

Martinus : hey!!

I looked strangely at him as he sat on his bed.

Lara : aren't you supposed to be at soundcheck?

Martinus : yeah but I had nothing to do.

Lara : oh.

Martinus : I asked Marcus where you were and he told me you were here, I need to talk to you.

Lara : okkk about what?

Martinus : Megan

Lara : ughh did she send you here to talk to me?!?

Martinus : actually, I offered.

Lara : same thing.

Martinus : why are you ignoring her?

Lara : she thinks I'm ignoring her!?!?!

Martinus : yeah...

Lara : how dare she!!!

Martinus : look, she's really hurt and she needs you right now.

Lara : she's hurt?!?!

Martinus : are you just gonna repeat everything I'm saying?

Lara : sorry, it's just I don't know what I've done?!?!

Martinus : maybe you should talk to her?

Lara : no, I'm not talking to her!

Martinus : why not, don't you want to sort it out?

Lara : well yes but I'm not talking to her!

Martinus : well that's not gonna be much help is it!

Lara : please, I don't need this right now!

Martinus : why what's up?

Lara : its nothing.

Martinus : no tell me, maybe I can help.

Lara : no, just leave me alone.

Martinus : what, is it that time of the month or something?

Lara : what no!!!!!

Martinus : then, come on just tell m-

Lara : just go away ok!!!!

Martinus : alright jeeeezzzz I'm only trying to help.

He got up from his bed and walked off the bus as a tear fell from my eye.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now