Chapter 2: Interview

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“yes and you?” tanya ku

“oh my god, aku justin” dia mengulurkan tangannya ke aku

“justin?” tanya ku bingung , well he seems familiar but i have no idea..

“yes justin bieber” dia tertawa kecil

“OH MY GOD hahahaha im sorry , you look different” well aku baru saja kenal dia , terakhir aku ketemu di KCA 2010

“haha lebih ganteng?” tanya dia smirking

“more mature” jawab ku tersenyum and wow i admit it he is hot. But stop taylor is the hottest!  “uhh aku duluan ke ruang make up ya” aku langsung berjalan

“sure” jawabnya . tbh.. that smile is..... lol what am i talking about

“selena ini baju kamu langsung ganti dan siap siap ke panggung” brittany ngasih short dress hitam ke aku

“thank you”

“hey i saw you talking to that sexy guy!” brittany tiba tiba ngomong gitu pas aku lagi memakai dress ku

“ok who was that ? ryan? Hahaha yes he is but he is more like friend to me not more haha.” Jawabku sambil melihat diriku di kaca

“hey hey not him ! justin haha” jawab brittany shocked me

“what?” aku melihat brittany yang sedang merapikan alat make up ku dari kaca “seriously? He is cute but i dont think he is sexy tho”

“you will soon” jawab brit sambil tertawa kecil

“hey no. I have taylor ok” aku tertawa kecil sambil memakai heels ku

“im not saying you should date him, youre sooooo sensitive sel hahaha”

“whatever , lets go haha” aku pun dan brittany berjalan ke backstage menunggu ellen memanggilku .

Ellen: “good afternoon everybodyyyyyyy! Ouuuuh i saw a lot of teenagers here!!!! Whats happening?”

Penonton : “justin! Justin ! justin! Selena! Selena! Selena!”

Ellen : “wow wow there is no Selena here or justin......” aku bisa mendengar ellen meledek para penonton. Haha she is hilarious! Like always

-semua penonton “booooo”-ing ellen-

Ellen: “alright alright i dont want to die in here so lets just givin up for Mrs. Selena Gomez!!!”

Aku berjalan masuk ke studio aku bisa melihat semua penonton meneriaki nama ku haha theyre my love! Aku melambaikan tangan ke mereka dan salaman sama ellen

Me: “heyy” aku salaman sama ellen dan langsung duduk , well im the first guest here haha

Ellen: “how are you beautiful?” 

Me: “i am fine thank you , how are you?”

Ellen: “good, and like always i am fine haha plussss iam so happy because today is my favs  guests here!!”

Me: “aww thank you”

Ellen: “soo.. lets start the interview.. start with your new little sister. She is soooo cute” ellen said sambil melihat foto gracie di layar belakang kita

Me: “aww i know right , i am so happy right now , because now i have stuff to do in the morning if im not working”

Ellen: “whats her name?”

Me: “Gracie. Gracie Elliot Teefey”

Ellen: “ sweet name!!”

Me: “yes haha me,my mom,and brian that have ideas for her name , i mean its my first little sister ofc aku harus ikut campur di namanya hahaha”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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