Part 2

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Did I just jump out of terror?

I thought I was done being afraid but no . Turning around I come face to face with Dexter and my face changes completely. I frown and he raises an eyebrow at me.

He laughs.

"Can't believe you're here, tell me what you're doing here. "

What the heck is his problem? Am I not supposed to go anywhere?

This is a free world and I'll go wherever I want.

Free world, right?

So ironical that sometimes I would miss school just because of him.

" I'll go wherever I feel like, it's not your house anyway, "I say rolling my eyes.

I just love his expression. He didn't expect my answer at all.

" Are you drunk France? "He asks coming closer.

He thinks I'm drunk because of how I'm talking to him. Shame on you!

" Looks like you ain't drunk. Now tell me why you're talking to me in such a manner!"he hisses.

He pulls my arm but I snatch it back.

"Who do you think you are? You won't hurt me anymore, "I say courageously.

His eyes widen in shock but returns to normal in seconds.

" Woah, so sassy today, are we? "

I don't say anything. I start to feel frightened but I ignore the feeling . I won't let his tone intimidate me any longer. Or at least I think.

" You think all these people will prevent me from hurting you? You're very wrong my dear, "he says pulling my arm again.

People might think we're just a couple having an argument but no. I could see some people staring at us, probably they thought I was his girlfriend.

" Let's see if you'll be talking this way in a matter of minutes, "he says pulling me outside.
It's so cold outside.

I try to look for Daisy but I don't see her anywhere so I just say whatever comes to mind.

" Please, I'm so sorry Dexter. "

He looks at me but he doesn't say anything and continues taking me further and further away from the house. I just don't like this  all. I won't let him take me away from the compound. I'd rather scream for help.
I see something shiny in front of us which isn't clear because of the light, but then I realise it's a pool.

I hope he won't throw me into the pool. Please God help me!

"You're going to swim,or rather I'll make you. "

" Please no, it's so cold. Don't do this please."

I don't know why I was so courageous today. If it were other times, I would be just be so quiet and agreeing to what he said like the fool I am. But not anymore.

Not anymore and you let yourself be captured?

He says that I will have to swim or he will do worse to me. I open my mouth to protest again but he holds it tight and warned me against doing so.

I also opened my mouth to scream, he held my mouth once again and says, "Don't you even think about it, I will punish you thoroughly if you do what you're thinking right now."

And before I can even say anything, I feel myself falling. Falling into the water that cuts through my skin like a knife. It's so cold. I shoot Dexter a dangerous glare which he doesn't see of course because it's dark. He's busy looking if someone's coming. No one. No one can even be of help to me.

Maybe he's checking if his people are coming to help him torture me.

My teeth chatters together due to the cold and I'm  left with no choice but to swim, unless I wanted to drown myself which I wasn't ready for.

Lucky for me, I had gone to swimming classes, otherwise I would be a dead girl right now.

I hate you so much Dexter! One day, you're going to pay for this!

Now that I'm already used to the cold water, I really swim. Dexter on the other hand claps his hands and asks if I am enjoying.

When I don't answer, he asks me an unexpected question, though I don't care at all.

"Can I join you? "he asks laughing.

" No, stay where you are! "

I'm not sure if he won't kill me in the water. He might and I'm just not ready to die.

Before I know it, he has removed his shirt and jeans and he jumps into the water.

I see him swim towards and I know I can't let him come near me. I can see it in his eyes that he wants to make me drown and make it look like an accident.

Before he comes nearer, I'm already out of the water and run inside the house. I almost knock Daisy down.

She is only appearing now?

"Goodness! What happened to you? "She shrieks.

" I accidentally fell into the pool, "I shout so she could hear through the loud music.

When I tell her I want to go home, she tells me that she'll give me clothes to change. Then an idea comes to me.
When I go to change clothes, I'll not come out and then I'll sleep. Daisy will be so busy she won't even know.

I won't let Dexter catch me again, and if I let him, I know it won't be good this time round.

.... "".........

Hey guys? I hope you're good wherever you are. Here's an update for you my lovely people.
I hope you've enjoyed reading it and please tell me what you guys think.

I love you guys!!
Until next time.

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