chapter one-the escape

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the pit that Rorke keeps me at. I heard footsteps coming over near the pit door. 'Better get this done and over with.' I hold my breath to make it look like I died in my sleep.

I felt their hands on my chest trying to get me to breath. I suddenly kicked him into the wall and I got up killing him instantly. I reached for his guns and radio, then ran out the pit. I made sure that I was out of the red zone.

I turned on the radio, I took a deep breath and started to speak. "Merrick Hesh Keegan anyone copy?" I asked as I kept running from the camp. My breath hithed when I heard my brothers voice.

"Logan?!? Thank God your alive we all thought you were dead or changed, or whatever. Where are you?!?" Hesh asked as he gets up getting the team and I heard riley barking.

"Hey Riley," I said as I looked around and sees the familiar destroyed house. "In no man's land our old destroyed house." I said as I walked over as sat in the pool with tears falling down my face.

"We'll be on our way in 40 clicks. Stay put and watch all the surroundings." Hesh said as Keegan took the radio from him. "It's good to have you back kid." Keegan said happily then Merrick took it. "Glad to hear your voice. Stay strong we'll be there soon." Merrick said as he turned the radio off.

Logan walker escapeWhere stories live. Discover now