Chapter Three

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Hello, hello! Long time no talk, but i have a new chapter for you lovely fans. I just finished my exam so hopefully i can upload more regularly. This is shorter than the other two because i just whipped it out in an hour and a half. 

Thanks for reading, Megan 


{Not Edited}

                The party in full swing, Axel let himself fall into the pounding music and erotic dancing that was occurring in the backyard was trancelike, easily ensnaring Axel’s attention.

                As he pulled a young blonde vixen towards him, his mind wandered to  a certain black haired beauty that was currently nowhere to be seen. Snapping out of his trance, Axel pushed the drunk girl away and began to attempt to sniff out Esla’s unique scent.

                When nothing appeared after a few minutes, Axel began to panic and quickly contacted his sister through his pack link.


                What?!  Came Aliya’s abrupt response.

                I can’t find Esla anywhere, have you seen her at all?

                No, I saw her running around the crowd 15 minutes ago, but I haven’t seen her since.

                Fuck! Axel couldn’t contain his anger filled growl, startling a few party goers nearby. Flashing his canine teeth in their direction, Axel focused his attention back on his mental conversation.

                You-you don’t think it could be his men do you? I mean I don’t know how well she’ll handle him. Aliyah’s mental voice shook as she trembled from the fearful idea of their close friend being trapped with the violent King Alpha.

                I don’t know what to think besides finding her. Search the house, I’ll check the forest. Keep the mindlink open and updates every 5 minutes. Be safe, Aliyah.

Axel quickly shut off the link and ran his way into the forest. Heart thundering in his chest, he hoped and prayed that he would find Esla perfectly safe, but a feeling in his stomach suggested differently.

Just 10 feet into the forest, Axel picked up the terrified scream of the woman he loves, dropping his heart into his stomach.  Racing forward he felt the transition from human to wolf easily take over his body, and increasing his speed he rips into a small clearing, surrounded by trees.

The site there made his eyes turn red with anger. Taking in the limp form of Esla in the arms of His Beta made his heart beat quickly with intense anger. Axel took wide jerky steps towards the Beta who hadn’t noticed his presence yet, and was attempting to walk away with her deeper into the woods.

Not wasting a moment to think through what he was about to do, Axel released a loud growl, springing towards the Beta. As he sailed through the air, he could almost taste the victory on the tip of tongue, of course not truly paying attention, Axel’s plan was cut short.

He was tackled by an Omega.

Any other Omega from any other pack he would have been able to take down, but this Omega was a renowned rogue that was part of the King Alpha’s pack, signifying him as a wolf of great strength, agility and aggression.

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