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With trinity insisting breakfast, Kaycee's mother shoots up bouncing on her feet, her lips pressed flat as she nearly felt her voice crack with all the laughter ringing through her throat. 

She might have looked like a maniac but she doesn't care as long as things run the way she wants it.

It's legitimately a lot of work to keep up the lunacy spilling from her tongue but people find it amusing. How freaking it is, when Kaycee literally cringe shamed.

A lot is running in Lilly's head, the hands that clutched at her neck as a reminder that she's doing much more than needed for her daughter, who is ultimately ungrateful, is brought down smoothing over the nonexistent wrinkles on her skirt before she looks up at Trinity's mother sharing a sly grin with the lady.

Kaycee swears that Lilly's conspiracy with Trinity's mother, Tessy is so atrocious, she has convinced herself that her mother absolutely hates her.

What with pushing her into this meeting? Sure she hates her! Despise her to the point of snickering like a villain watching her squirm before Trinity.

But in fact, all Lilly does is make some ties so Kaycee won't be all alone with her life in new school but in a way she knows.

She has noticed that her daughter isn't really fond of the new company not with her shooting dagger at the blonde girl who should be her supposed friend, since this whole thing is to ensure she gets a new friend not a foe.

But Lilly sure loves to deliberately taunt her daughter to make it all fun.

Proceeding with the plans, she moves on to please her guest by blinding them with some rich tastes.

Of course she wouldn't dare cook, Kaycee did all the cutting and cooking thing with so much compulsion.

Lilly was just monitoring her like a hawk running on tip toes, hiding behind the cupboards like a shadow, crawling on the carpet to keep it a secret, yeah, if anything she is just making her presence known.

And Lilly is only capable of annoying Kaycee what with all the rattling she did with the cupboards, shaking it to the point that it's a surprise it didn't end up flying to the ground.

Lilly snickers thinking back to it as she pushes the little group to the door, but when her hands reached for the knob, the door flings open to a cute little girl, who has her bedridden hair and a scowl on her face.

"Noisy" she huffs covering her ears with her tiny fingers to emphasize her point. Lilly strangely snorts back like a kid,

"You are so nosy!" Saying that she pushes the girl out of her way before dragging the outsiders towards her kitchen.

Kaycee looked at her sister sympathetically before picking her up and walks out of the door, following the rest to the kitchen.

Reece calmly places her forehead under Kaycee's chin, mumbling how stupid Lilly is.

Kaycee only snickers and pats her hair lovingly.

In the kitchen Trinity sits on the chair watching stream sweeping out of the hot stuffs. She is a total goner for food as her eyes glinted at the site of food displaying on the wide glass table. 

On entering, Kaycee walks past the trio on the table to pick up a bowl to fill it in with some sweet pastries and syrups for the little lady in her arms.

Lilly is a bit annoyed now, seeing that all are cooing at the tot sitting on the table chewing her large bites of her bowl cutely with a shy smile, and not really caring that Lilly is talking to them about her favorite raspberry cake.

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