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A lonely girl sat in her empty, desolate room, her bedside table lamp now waning light flickering on and off.

The girl shut her eyes tightly and pulled the covers up over her head, her pale fingertips peeking out from it as if to say a friendly hello to the ebony darkness that seemed to surround the poor, trembling child.


a strange voice seemed to call out from the long hallway, various eerie paintings of value decorating its peeling walls.

“Stop fumbling child, you’re going to wake up your mother upstairs,”

retorted the shrill woman’s voice seemingly fading out of existence as the sound of footsteps grew audible.


mumbled the girl in a delayed reply, her legs now tucked inwards as her arms crossed around them.

It was quite chilly that night, and the foggy windowpane seemed to have a diminutive crack etched into it, causing ice cold winter air to stream in and tickle Audrey’s nose.

She exhaled and tried her best to keep still, silently lulling herself to sleep as she did so.

Audrey frowned, wiggling her nose this way and that like a small rabbit before finally pulling the covers from her face, her short brunette hair seeming to now stick out from every which way. 

She quickly sat up out of bed and let out a light cough.

'This stinks,'

 She thought to herself, curling her toes and pulling her knees all the way up to her chest, her bed sheets now dragging at her heels.

"God now I'll never get to-"

“Ah, Hello how are you?”

Audrey tilted her head up just enough to find herself face to face with a strange boy, a quirky smile etched out on his face and a mischievous glint in his cat-like eyes.

Audrey furrowed her eyebrows.

“I-I’m Audrey, and it’s very rude to interrupt people while they’re talking you know--” 

“Yeah, yeah, I understand completely. No need to scold me,”

the strange boy retorted.

Audrey rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in aggravation. 

“W-Where am I?”

The boy quirked an eyebrow upwards, the grin on his face seemingly widening a he did so.

“Ah, well you’re dreaming of course...” 

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