Chapter 4: The Beginning

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     Know that those people who don't read are gone and you guys actually read Chapter 1, I must say, I'm proud to have you here today.  Today, I would like to tell you that you are the people who I love.  And I am honored to have you here today to read story, that will blow you away, this is my shit, as one might say. So....

     ...Enjoy. shit...

     ...I'm done now so the story is about to begin so please get comfortable...or...somethin'...IDK!...I'm mashing the key board now for fun so just ignore it.

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     As you know from my ealier book series History and The Butterfly Effects, you know of Ziggy and Kammey, and of The Creators, The Paradox, the twelve planets, and of the conficts between them.  You should know about these things but of course you don't because I know that you know that my works aren't good enough for you to read.  But in order for there to be a bad ass Gyarados, you must deal with the shitty Magikarp.  Anyway, at this point I doubt I have anyone's attention but I shall proceed anyway, because, in truth, fuck you people who aren't reading this.

     Knowing of my earlier works, you know that there are two creators, future Ziggy and Future Kammey.  But there is another.  Mavis.  She's a lonely child who sees the world for what it really is with the power she cursed herself with.  She sees nothing but shit.  She saw everything as pointless.  Through her eyes, everything was insignificant.  Everyone's lives were meaningless in comparison to the universe.  Mavis's awakening didn't help her now twelve year-old brain, the more she learned of the universe, the more meaningless everyone's lives became.  Mavis, in her awakening, became the most powerful being in the universe, she knew this, she knew she was more powerful than everyone in the universe combined.  But power is meaningless in a world full of shit.  Mavis knew that, and she knew that even the real Creators were meaningless to the Universe they created...because she knows that there is no point to life.  What are we living for? she would ask.  What are we in the eyes of the Universe? she would ask.  Why am I who I am and why was I born like this? she would ask.

     And the answer was was another question.  Another question answers the question previously stated.  And it will come at the end of the book, because that's just how I, the author, role.

     Now the book may begin.  I think I weeded out enough people, don't you think.  I mean I did stall for like 4 chapters.  Ah, I feel like a dolt for not strting the book until the fifth chapter but I really hate people who don't read.

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