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I was dropped here

pulled from my temporary home by the head

Slapped awake

Crying and naked.

But then with my two feet I began to walk

More like wandering

Wondering through here

No signs

No directions

Just me, myself, I , and my reflection

We traveled as one

As I or me

And we made it in the maze for years

Not accomplishing anything

Just wandering

I was happy when I saw a lady bug or butterfly on my journey

Excited by flowers and anything that moved

But I was also easily discouraged by small bumps in the road

Cracks here and there and slippery gravel

All things that made me slow down on my journey

As I grew older in this maze I realized I was lost

I was lost, alone, and giving up

I sat for hours in one spot

Crying softly

Where do I go?

Where am I supposed to be?

Have I wasted my time here?

But the tears dry and I walk on

Still lost still crying

Always crying

Red eyes and blurry vision made walking on tougher

And Boulders and holes appears

My pace slowed even more

How can I pass these things?

Do I even have to?

I am lost.

Why walk on if I don't know where I'm going?

So I slipped into a hole for a years time

No progress made

Just more tears

Until one day I almost drowned in them

And I had to escape

So I did

I walked on lost trying to figure out who I was

Then it hit me

I have a name. That's who I am.

Passersbys don't matter

I like me.

I walked on still lost and figuring out where to go

And which way was right.

Then I remember.

There are no directions.

So no way is wrong or right

I pick what's right.

So I walked on

I made it out of the maze in my head

And I was awakened to new things

New life.

But I am still in that maze physically, still lost

But happy.

Not crying

I wouldn't want it any other way

Life is a maze

Life is amazing.

In My HeadWhere stories live. Discover now