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I WATCHED the band on the stage in front of me. The one that caught me the most—the singer—was so interesting.

Her long dark hair cascaded down her back perfectly, but some strands fell messily in front of her eyes. She was singing strongly into the microphone.

I've always been an observant kind of person. I watched her every move.

Sometimes, while she played her bass, she'd prop her foot up onto the monitor. I don't know about anyone else in the crowd, but, she had me totally captivated. I was like in a trance almost. Hypnotized.

At times, her voice was soft, smooth. It could be hard, and loud, too. It was really powerful.

I strongly admired her already. I can already tell she's not a typical girl.

The stereotype of a nice, polite, and neat girl, didn't really seem like it would fit her.

Women that aren't afraid to scream on stage and play rock and roll. Now, those are my type of girls.

The music made me feel kind of sad, however.

I don't really know why. It had me curious.

She seemed like she was enjoying herself on stage.

I know the feeling. It's almost ecstatic at times. It's better than any drug, really. I craved it.

I watched her as she walked off the stage, clutching the neck of her bass guitar.

I felt an elbow jabbing my side, causing me to gasp. I glance at who it was beside of me.

It was my best friend, Krist. He was handsome, with long, brown hair. A lot like my other friend, who's also here, Dave.

"You good, man?" He smiled as me, "You've been staring at that girl for a good five minutes. Its gettin' kinda weird."

"Uhm.." I rose my eyebrows at him. Parting my lips to speak, racking my brain to think of something to say quickly, all I could do was shrug.

Krist kept smiling at me, but I could see it in his eyes. It was that look he gets when he's judging you. I've seen it one too many times in my lifetime.

"The bands cool." Dave mumbled, saving me. He probably didn't even realize he did it for me.

He brought his bottle of beer up to his lips, taking a sip. "What's the name of it?"

Krist's eyes scanned around until he pointed up to a paper, tacked to the wall. It had a few bands names, local bands. Some I recognized, some I didn't.

The last name on the list was Torn.

I figured that was their name. Considering, they were tonight's last band.

At the top of the list, was my own's.

"Hey, I think Kurt is in love or something." Krist laughed, getting one out of Dave. "Look at him."

"What?" My voice was low, almost down to a whisper. I bit the corner of my lip, before running a hand through my blonde hair.

"I wonder if I can get back there." I thought aloud, looking towards the stage once more. I don't really see why I couldn't. I was aloud when I played earlier.

"Why?" Dave giggled, watching me. I look back at him, with a half embarrassed look on my face.

"I just wanna talk to that girl," I nod slowly, "she's pretty."



"I told you!" I hear Eric yell towards Patty. She had a half humored look on her face.

"What now?" Melissa groaned, uncovering her face from her hands. Apparently she had a massive headache developing. She sure was complaining about it.

It's probably cause of all that drinking her and Patty did before the show. I don't know what else it could be from.

I had no idea what Patty and Eric had going on this time. They're always having friendly bets, or arguments.

I sighed heavily, picking up my case. "Are you guys ready to go or what?" I bite the inside of my cheek.

I was feeling kind of weird, now, and I'd like to leave. I didn't want to be here anymore. I just wanted to take a nap, really.

Suddenly they all looked at me; kind of worriedly.

They always think something bad is wrong with me all the time. Ever since the incident..

I've been really depressed. I don't blame them. They look out for me, and worry about me. They're all a few years older than me, too. I guess it's a good thing, but it gets kind of annoying at times how they're always over my shoulder.

"Sure." Patty says, before striding over to me. "You good?" She whispered. The others grabbed all of their things.

"Yeah, I just wanna get out of here." I shrug, still chewing on the inside of my cheek.

At that, we hear a loud banging on the door. I nearly jump out of my skin, grabbing ahold of Patty's hand quickly.

She rubbed over my knuckles with her thumb, with a frown on her face. Eric opened the door.

It was a man who worked here. He was a lot taller than Eric, and a lot more broad shouldered. He was kind of scary looking. Mean. Rough.

"Can I help you, man?" Eric rose an eyebrow, crossing his arms. I think he could tell I was getting a little paranoid by his presence.

"Yeah, you can." The man said smartly, causing Patty to squeeze my hand. She chewed hard on her bottom lip, while Melissa now stood on the other side of me, her arms crossed.

"There's a guy here," The man went on to say, "He was in the first band that played tonight. The singer." He nodded.

"Okay?" Eric tilted his head slightly at the man.

I wish he'd hurry up and leave.

"He wanted to come back here and talk to uh," He scanned the room, before pointing right at me. "Her."

anemic royalty. kurt cobain, nirvana Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα