Chapter 1

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     Luck isn't luck.  Free isn't free.  Power isn't power.  They are all lies because the truth is, they are all ways the universe tries to find balance.  One's bad luck is another one's good luck.  One has to buy the object in order for it to be given out freely.  And power is based off of one's loyalty to the in charge.

     But what if there was no balance?  What if one person saw the universe for what it really was and tried to change it?  What if one person saw the patterns, the system, the constant, never-ending circle the universe uses to keep itself in balance?  And what if that person saw the world for what it really was...nothing but shit...?

     It began on a warm sunny day.  The skies were blue with little poofy clouds gliding along its blue sea.  You could hear the children laughing as they ran down the dirt road, their bare feet pattering and skidding as they turned down an alleyway.  Titania, a German Sheperd no more than a few weeks old, began barking as loud as her little lungs could produce at the little one's.  But Titania's efforts were muffled by the fence that stood between her and the children.  But not for Mavis.

     Mavis was one of the children who were amongst the children racing down the alleyway.  She was only eleven at the time and her lack of endurance brought her dead-last in the race with the other children.  She was saddened by the race's outcome and complained that the only reason they won was because they were thirteen.  The winner of the race, Jellal, laughed, stating it was because she was weak and that only the strongest win.

     That line and memory stuck with Mavis throughout her whole life.  Only the strong survive, she repeated to herself.  On the day of her awakening, Mavis came to realize something: it's the way the universe works.

     It was the universe's way of producing nothing but shit, a world where every word was shit and every shitty action had a shitty-er reaction that caused shit to come spewing out of everyone's mouth.  And for her to lose that race was a product of her shitty endurance, and Jellal was just more, than her by wasting his time excercising for a shitty race that lasted only a couple of minutes, so the days he wasted training was nothing but a shitty waste of time.  You see, Mavis understood this in her awakening as the Third Creator and prayed to herself - because...well...she's the Third Creator and the point of praying is to hope for someone with higher power to listen to you and in this case...she sort of is the highest power... - that the universe isn't as shitty as it already seemed to be.

     But it was.

     It was all shit.  But even though it was was interesting shit.  Well, more like shit she never saw before.  Because there were these two siblings, a brother and a sister, who really fucked up and were trying to clean up the shit they shitted which really had shit go down (and it was pretty awesome for being some relly nasty shit).  And then there was this time - and this is hilarious, I know you're going to laugh - so there was this time that these 10 planets were mad because this one planet shitted on two other planets, but they didn' wipe so the other planets were all like "EWW!  CLEAN THAT SHIT UP BRO!" but the planet was all like a rebellious bitchy teenager and told them to clean it up and so they all started becoming monkies and started slinging shit around like they were at a food fight.  And throughout that entire time, Mavis was just sitting their with a blank face and just straight up said, "what the fuck am I watching."

     Well, if you are thouroughly confused with what you are reading, or you have just no idea what about what is going on in this book, you are not alone.

     I have purposely wrote like shit just to see if you are even worthy enough to read something as awesome as you are about to read.

     And to be honest, this is like a weed-out of those motherfuckers who just read the first line and go back to searching for some other shit.  But if you are still reading, you have pasted the test, and I welcome you to a world where shit is still shitty, but a whole lot more interesting than you've ever imagined.

     For instance, imagine a world like Pacific Rim mixed with Naruto - that' roll with me here - and Breaking Bad, with a dash of Code Geass and The Fault In Our Stars, and for the rest, my own creation, because really, I just named off shitters who copied my shit.

     Back to the point here, you guys should stop me when I drift off like that, the shit about Mavis winning the race and...well the rest of the shit...yeah...I don't know what to say...this was all just one big piece of shit just to stop you MOFO's who don't bother reading this shit and commenting about what you just read.  To be honest, I highly doubt anyone read this shit and that I just wasted my time - which I have plenty of...sadly - so if you would please move on and do your shit, I would really appreciate it...not really though, I mean at this point, I have captured your loyalty to me - which would basically only be my friends and my online friends - and you may now sigh a sigh of relief because this chapter is finished.  Btw, the next two chapters will also be like this so just skip to Chapter 4.  Hehe, it's the little details you should pay attention to so the people who don't read this will just go to Chapter 2 and 3 and they will be the MOFO's who should go die for not actually reading my shit...but they'll never know 'cause they didn't read that and only you did. *whispering* It will be our little secret.

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