She just giggled. Giggled. Ladies and gentlemen, that's Jessica Walkers for you, the mean girl version. She was pretty good at this.

She bit her lip and tried again. "Then why don't we meet up at my house tonight and you update my knowledge?"

"You know there are a lot of boys who would be far better for role play than me?"

"Oh would you just shut up? I need some confidence here to pull it off with anyone else?"

"Don't ask me to shut up. I've been told enough already since morning."

Jessica looked at me seriously. "You know what, I'll say it again but you really need to talk to your parents again and try once again."

I rubbed at my temple with the one hand that Jessica did not have in her death grip. "I really don't wish to talk about this right now."

Jessica looked at me in understanding. "It's okay. Take your time, but do talk to them."

Then she switched her mode. "Now allow me to distract you with my Oscar winning acting."

I rolled my eyes but was glad that she tried to change the subject.

Jessica continued with her dialogue. "So what say, would you educate me in biology?"

"Why? Isn't the rest of the male population educational enough for you? I am sure that with your experience, you would have become a biology professor by now."

"Why the hell are you so mean to me?!" Jessica glared at me and then crossed her arms and pouted. She thought it was cute. I wanted to puke.

"Dang, you are awfully good at this. Awful, but good."

Jessica smacked my arm. "Give this poor girl a break would you? It as it is weird acting this out."

Suddenly someone from the football team, Chris I think, waved at her. Chris was the captain of the football team. Athletic build, good looks and other stuff. She (Jessica, mind you, not Chris) immediately brightened, tugged at her already low neckline of her dress to the depths of the Pacific, and swaying her hips went over to him. She was slaying this role.

Anyways, I was mentally down on my knees thanking Chris for taking away that friendly witch from me since the role play was getting weird. As much as paranormal things are cool (ha, ha, cool, got it? Because they dead? Nevermind...) , I like staying away from witches. Not that I have met one before...

Taking up my bag, I locked the car and walked towards the school's main office.

True to my own words, now I was scanning the hallway for some hidden lever or a loose tile, that could lead me to the place where this 'thing' was hidden. This was so frustrating. Had there been a password, I would've easily used my computer skills and put up firewalls, viruses for intruders and other destructive stuff. But, obviously, this couldn't be done, because, one: I am not a computer program where you can put a firewall, and two, last time I checked, there is no way to put a firewall on human, or a virus for that matter, well maybe the latter thing, but it would probably do me more damage than to my enemies. But then I could just infect them with them with the same virus by giving them a big ol' group hug, that is, if they didn't kill me first.


I entered into the principal's office. Mr. Peterson, a round man, with a round balding patch on his round skull and round glasses perched on his nose (which sadly, was not round) was sitting in his chair behind a computer, typing away furiously. As I entered, a small chime made him look up.

"Ah, there you are Mr. Evans, " Mr. Peterson said. "I presume you have been informed about a certain ordeal by your parents?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Ordeal? ! I won't call it an ordeal. It's a freaking disaster!"

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