Assassin's Creed

14 2 3

With a very sour look on my face, I parked my car in the school parking lot. Having found a place, I turned off the ignition and put my head on the steering wheel with a sigh, contemplating the horror I just listened to, and now had to go through. Of course, dad had to be uber modern and not keep a password, but me as his goddamn safe key. And the fact that my school concealed some stuff was of no help. I knew I would now knock on tiles or pull books in the library, thinking it might work as a secret lever. I also tried banging my head on the steering wheel a few times, which just increased my existing headache. Don't try it people.

I wasn't finished with my tragic contemplation when I heard a knock on my window. I turned to look out and saw...

Well, since I happen to be quite a chivalrous person, I won't say it rudely, but I saw a certain part of female anatomy that was barely concealed and should not be on full display.

Jessica Walkers, a brown haired and hazel-eyed girl, over whom the entire male population drooled,  was leaning towards me with her claws... I mean, paws... pardon, hands, yes, hands on the edge of my window. I stared at her hands and then slowly pried them off. No one, and I mean, no one , touches my cars like that.

However, I realised that Jessica was dressed up way out of character, so I did a double take at her appearance.

"The fuck is wrong with your appearance?"

Jessica just pouted and said, "Don't you like what you see?"

I was gaping at her unashamedly. So I decided I would get out of the car and ask her what's the matter.

I opened the door of my car and stepped out after moving Jessica aside. Jessica started to strut closer to me. I had to jump back from the sheer shock.

"What the hell?! Can you please tell me why are you dressed up in an almost...swimwear?"

Jessica rolled her eyes. "You are such a blockhead. Don't you remember we are all auditioning for the portrayals of cliches? I had been assigned the role of a mean girl? Hello? Earth to Joshua. Where are you today?"

Then I remembered what she was talking about. The annual play.

"That's cool but I am getting sort of uncomfortable. Can you please stand at a distance? That perfume is awfully pungent."

"Hey! I'm the one who has to suffer though it. I'm trying to get into the character properly mister." With that, Jessica's eyes light up and she starts to strut closer towards me. I groaned in annoyance. She was such a pain in the ass at times.

I prayed to the heavens to send some help.



She is still here.

Apparently God is busy, or is enjoying the scene from up there.

With a fake wide grin, which she probably thought was enough to make me fall for her pseudo charm, Jessica placed an arm on my shoulder, inching closer. She reeked of a very strong and suffocating perfume, which somehow reminded me of ammonia gas, and wore clothes two sizes short.

Jessica whispered into my ear. "Good morning, baby."

I near about gagged. "This is a horrible, horrible nightmare."

"Huh. I'm getting good at my role. Now let me practice idiot."

She said again, "How are you baby?"

"Baby? Your knowledge in biology is quite outdated. Otherwise you should have known that babies aren't six feet and three inches tall," I replied in annoyance.

The Fondest Memory (Ongoing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant