Weekend Together

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Dakota POV

"Babe?" I heard his gentle question from my place heavy breathing over the sink. I look up from my straight arms braced on the edge of the sink and see him bathed in the light of the bathroom leaning against the door in nothing but his pajama pants, his arms crossed over his bare chest. At least he waited until after I was done throwing up to check up on me.

"I'm ok, just nauseous," I say Jamie walks in the room scrutinizing me with his eyes he stops in front of me I turn to him waiting for him to stop squinting at me he puts his hand under my chin and moves my face examining me. When he deems that I'm ok his hands move to my waist and pulls me in kisses my forehead, and I grab onto his biceps. His scent overtakes my personal bubble and I don't feel like I'm going throw up again.

"You feel a wee bit warm to me." he says. "A wee bit?" I ask mocking him a little bit, although he knows I love his accent. He sighs as I rub his biceps.

"Do you want me to call James and have him delay shooting a few hours?" He asks clearly not liking that I feel warmer to him than normal.

I shake my head no. "We're shooting the wedding today. All the networks are coming we can't. Its ok, I feel fine I'm just a little nauseous." Jamie takes my hand and leads me out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. He pulls me to my side of the bed I get in bed reluctantly.

"Jamie." I mutter. "It's three the car is coming to get us at four, sleep for thirty minutes while I shower, I'll wake you up with plenty of time for you to get ready. Promise." He whispers while covering me with the blankets. I close my eyes as he kisses my temple and then walks into the bathroom and closes the door.

When we got to set Jamie and I are separated him to his trailer and me to make up. I was almost done when there is suddenly toast being placed in front of me. I look up to see Jamie staring at me.

"Eat." He says simply. "Jamie, I'm-" he cuts me off "You got sick this morning, you still feel nauseous, you wouldn't let me have them delay filming so you could sleep, you better believe that I will not film a single scene with you until you eat some of that toast." Oh, he's serious, he is also giving me the dad look. He only brought me one piece cut into two triangles. I take one triangle and take a few bites. As I take my bites I notice how damn fine my man looks in a tux. When I'm done, with makeup, wardrobe comes to get me, I walk towards the door.

Jamie grabs my hand and pulls me into his lap and looks in my eyes. His scent overtakes my senses and again for the second time that day I stopped feeling nauseous.

"I need you to be honest with me if you aren't feeling well, we'll stop and take a break, or postpone a day." He tells me. "The networks are here this week-" For the second time he cuts me off. "I could give a rats ass that the networks are here. I care that you feel ok to do what our job is while baking under those lights. I care about your health and whether or not you are able to be make it through the day." he says seriously.

"Do you understand me Dakota Mayi?" he asks never once looking anywhere but my eyes. "Yes James, I understand." I say smiling at how he is always making sure I'm ok. I give him a nod and he nods back moving closer to my face. He looks at my lips quickly before looking back to my eyes and capturing my lips in a sweet kiss.

When we let out of the kiss I smile at him. "You know Dornan, if I am getting sick you probably shouldn't kiss me more than you need to." He lightly chuckles. "I'll take my chances." He taps my side telling me to get off his lap. "Now, go get that dress on Johnson." He says while giving my ass a light smack. I roll my eyes at this and walk out of the makeup trailer.

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