Chapter 2: Killing Time

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I felt the drips of sweat on my head in the hot summer sun. It had been three days since the audition and we were still rehearsing like it had never happened. My dad finally gave us a ten minute break. We sat on the back porch and drunk water to try and cool down.

Kelly: You think they're gonna call?

Letoya: Who knows anymore?

Me: Let's stay happy cause you never know.

Kelly: Weren't you ready to quit the other day?

Latavia: Right! How you goin' tell us to stay happy, when you was done with it the other day?

Me: People can change.

Letoya: Nice quick change.

We rehearsed until six and then Letoya and Latavia went home. Me and Kelly took Solange to the park down the street. We sat on the bench while she played with her little friends.

Me: You worried?

Kelly: About...?

Me: Them calling?

Kelly: Well duh.

Me: I think they'll call.

Kelly: Just cause you think don't mean it's gonna happen.

Me: In what way is that positive?

Kelly: Some way I'm sure.

Me: I bet.

*Solange falls off her bike and starts to cry*

Solange was always a bit clumsy and since she was the baby, she was also real dramatic. She skinned her knee and was bleeding, and there was no way her life could continue without Mama putting a band-aid on it. Kelly had to carry her bike and I got stuck with carrying her on my back all the way back to the house. When we walked back to the house, my dad had his office door closed which meant he was on a business call and we had to be quiet. Mama was making dinner, so we dropped Solange on the couch and sat at the table.

Mama: Did y'all have fun at the park?

Me: Great Time.

Kelly: Solange had fun too.

Mama: B, You're father is talking to Columbia Records.

Me & Kelly: What!

Me: For real?!?

Mama: Shhhh...He said he'll tell y'all when he gets off the phone.

Finally, I couldn't wait until he got off the phone because my dad is a habitual talker. It was either bust the door open and face my dad's anger or wait patiently until he was done. I was feeling froggy so I busted the door open and luckily he was just hanging up the phone.

Daddy: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles!

Me: Is it true Daddy, please tell me it's true?!?

Daddy: We have a meeting...

*Me and Kelly immediately began to scream out heads off*

After all out hard work, we finally saw results from it. After dinner, me and Kelly sat up all night on the phone with Letoya and Latavia. We all couldn't believe it was finally happening. The next morning, I was up first in the house at 6am. I quickly got dressed and slipped out the door. I walked to an alley about 10 minutes from my house and waited. Lyndall finally turned the corner and he picked me up and hugged me.

Lyndall: You had to see me right now because?

Me: We have a second meeting with Columbia Records!

Lyndall: Babe! That's freaking awesome!

*He kissed me*

Lyndall: When is it?

Me: Friday afternoon.

Lyndall: Finally, right!?

Me: I know!

Lyndall: One question for ya, pop star?

Me: What?

Lyndall: When are you gonna introduce me to your parents?

Me: You know how my Daddy is, but I'll try soon. I promise.

Lyndall: Okay, remember you promised.

*We kissed goodbye*

Life Is But A DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora