a mother

21 3 7

She's a mother
The structure of my body
The love in my heart
The smile on my face
She's a mother

We would fight

We would laugh

We would share a hug

Watch a movie

Have a girls day out

Talk about stupid drama

She's a mother
The structure of my body,
The love in my heart
The smile on my face
She's a mother

I will not call no one be else mom
Your the only that welds it

Your a mother
That I will miss
The pain shall race in my veins
To a mother I have lost

*sorry guys for nit being on her the last 3 week has been a really hard time. I lost my mother not to long about and every just came crshing down, so please for give me for not posting anything* I also want to say thank you to all of my readers I am so happy you guys are injoying my book, please remember. To comment how you feel to the poem and even text me hownyou fel about something and I make a poem just for you *

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