Shweta hugged me and I relaxed.

"I'm glad you're back with Yash" Priya said and I blushed.

"Look, someone is blushing" Preeti joined her and I smacked them both.

"So when are you both tying a knot?" Akshaya asked and even I don't know about it.

"We are taking it slow. We have, especially he has been through a lot, much more than all of us. So I really want to give him time to overcome all those and start afresh with me. I don't know how long it'll take but I'm happy to have him beside me now" I spoke.

"Pranav loves him way too much" Ritu chuckled.

"Yea, that bastard took my cutie pie away from me" Shweta said. I laughed lightly. Everyone loves Pranav a lot and the fact that he's naughty than his usual age makes all of us protective over him. He always keeps everyone on his toes but he has a soft corner for his dad. That makes them jealous of Yash.

"I'm so hungry right now that I can eat a whole cow" Priya whined.

"Pull over to the nearby the dominos" Shweta said and Ritu stopped at the dominos. We entered and ordered quiet a lot. We took selfies and had a lot of fun. Later we decided to shop for Harish's inauguration function.

Oh yea! I forgot to tell you all this. The saddest part is Harish can no longer serve in army. The iron rod which hit his leg, had a deep impact. Though he can walk run and do all activities like others, he's not eligible for serving the army. He was shattered when he heard that. That was the only time Shweta was beside him. She comforted him and explained him. She suggested him to take over his dad's business and after a lot of argument and complaints he agreed. After that she's back to her hot head.

So coming Thursday is when he's officially gonna take over his dad's business. The office board members wanted to throw a huge party and Yash's mom, also Harish's aunt too wanted the same. We got her to Mumbai and she's not staying with me, Yash and Pranav. As usual, Pranav wrapped her around his fingers since he's the duplicate copy of his dad, both in looks and manners. Although he inherited my stubbornness and naughtiness, he's still a little Yash.

"This is so amazing" Ritu pointed at a red dress which had a diagonal strap on the shoulder. It was short, sexy but at the same time elegant.

"You're taking it" Shweta said.

"I'm so taking it" she squealed.

"Here, this is for you" Priya handed me a black gown and it's so pretty.

"Thank you"

"Black or white?" Akshaya asked, showing two dresses. The black one was pretty but it's style is very old fashioned.

"The white one is better" Preeti said as she entered the trial room to try her dress. I was helping Shweta select her dress when my phone rang. It's Yash.

"Hey" I answered the call.

"Babe, Pranav is sick" he said and I panicked.

"What's wrong?"

"Come quick" he hung up the phone and I'm hell worried now.

"What's wrong?" Ritu sked.

"Pranav is sick"

"Let's go" Shweta drove us to my house. I ran quickly to Pranav's room and he was sitting on the bed, biting his nails.

"Are you alright honey?" I asked him, checking his temperature.

"I'm fine mom" he said. He quickly handed me a letter and ran out of the room. Something is weird.

Wear the dress on the table and come to our garden

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