1. Dancing On My Own

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A/N (may 2020): this fic is, for lack of a better adjective, mediocre. i'm keeping it up because i had fun writing it so fuck it but please don't go into this with high expectations. enjoy folks.

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What an asshole...

That's the only thought that goes through the brunette's mind as he watches his best friend dance with none other than... Katrina.

Even just the thought of her name makes him sick.

He doesn't even know why he once thought taking part of the party was a good idea.

Hand-in-hand, the couple moves on the rythm of the upbeat music blasting from the speakers.

Cup in hands, the emo boy watches them from afar, back leaning on the wall.

God, how he wishes he was there.

But the blonde's out of his reach.

So he takes a sip.

He closes his eyes to enjoy the burning in his throat, somehow that is the only thing that can bring him some relief.

"Bro, you sure you don't want to slow down on this ?"

He doesn't even bother to move at the sound of Corey's voice, but his eyebrow twitches at his friend's words.

"I'm fine, Corey."

His voice is cold, emotionless. Almost scary for the boy with the man bun.

"I don't think you are, Colby."

The blue-eyed boy rolls his eyes before chugging the rest of his drink for no other reason than to piss his roommate off.

And it works.

Corey's not one to lose his temper easily, usually he's the most chill out of everybody. But he's had enough.

Colby jumps when his friend snatches the cup from his hand, startling him.

"Dude, what the fuck ?"

Corey doesn't even answer, he just walks to the trashcan and throws the empty cup in it after making sure he crushes it to show his anger. The lid closes loudly, dragging the attention of the guests nearby and he lets out a quick 'sorry'. The whole time Colby's eyes are following him, confused as to what has gotten into the one that always has a smile on his face.

Corey points his finger at the other. "You're being a dumbass right now."

He steps towards a frustrated Colby and grabs his shoulder, keeping his grip firm so that the boy can't get his hand off. Corey notices how empty his friend's eyes look and he doesn't know whether it's the result of the many shots he's had throughout the night or just the many weeks he's spent obsessing over the boy who doesn't seem to reciprocate his feelings.

"Now you're gonna listen to me, buddy."

Colby shivers at the tone, Corey's never been more serious than he is at the moment.

"I love you and I really don't mean to hurt you, but Sam doesn't love you like that, end of the story. It's time to move on, you can't just hold onto someone who doesn't give you the same amount of love that you give them."

Colby tries to ignore the way his heart crushes at the other's blunt words. Deep down he knows Corey is right, perhaps has he always been aware of the fact that his handsome blonde best friend will never love him back. Yet he can't help hoping, praying that maybe, just maybe, one day his dream would come true.

Corey's right, but Colby can't admit it. So he shakes his head and manages to get out of his roommate's grasp.

"I don't love Sam."

The brunette's words cause a scoff to escape the other man's lips, they both know he's lying but only one of them is willing to admit it.

"Keep telling yourself that, Cole."

And as Corey walks away and Colby just watches him, none of them notices a certain blondie standing not too far, a hand clutching his chest as he can physically feel his heart shatter.

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BOOM, new story ! It's gonna be really sad/dark and I'm not really used to writing that kind of stuff soooo I hope it'll be good haha :')

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