"Ehehe, well, you know me!" I giggled, and MC chuckled back.

"I honestly don't know how you do it. After all of the teachers yelling at you, you must feel
tired of that alone."

"They don't scare me! Strong is my middle name!" I felt like puking after saying that, I was nothing close to strong. I am a weakling.

I turned my head to the door, Natsuki and Yuri walked through it together. Surprisingly, they were both smiling. God, I ship them so much. I noticed with a spark of happiness that Natsuki held a plate of her famous cupcakes.

"Oooh, cupcakes!" I smiled and immediately ran towards Natsuki. I glanced over to Monika quickly, she looked at me with a stern glare. I turned back to the cupcakes, trying to push down the knot in my stomach.

"Woah, woah, Sayori. You didn't even say hi to me before begging for cupcakes!" Natsuki rolled her eyes. "I guess that's typical for you though. Here, take one." She unwrapped the seal protecting the cupcakes, and handed one to me.

"So cute!" I smiled, looking at the little stars plastered on the cupcake with extra frosting. I felt bad for not saying hi to Natsuki first, but honestly her cupcakes were one of my favorite things ever. I took a big bite from the cupcake, letting the flavor hit my mouth. "So good too!"

"I know they are! My cupcakes are always amazing." Natsuki perched one hand on her hip, basking in the glory. MC grabbed a cupcake from the tray, licking off the frosting. Natsuki looked absolutely horrified.

"MC, what are you DOING? You are eating that cupcake like a parched animal! That is not how you eat a cupcake!" Natsuki slapped MC's hand, and he let out a yelp. Both Yuri and I started laughing, but Monika was totally silent. I looked to her again, she looked at the ground with a mixed face of frustration and sadness. My laughing faltered.

Monika blinked, looked up at me, and looked away again. She took a few steps forward and took a cupcake from the tray. She took a bite and gave Natsuki a thumbs up.

"You good, Monika?" Natsuki lifted one eyebrow at her.

"Yea, I'm good. I just have a lot on my mind," Monika replied, taking another bite of the cupcake without making eye contact with Natsuki.

"Alright then, I guess. Yuri, do you want a cupcake?" Natsuki took another cupcake from the tray and slightly moved it towards Yuri. She used her dainty fingers and took it, taking off the wrapper to get a bite. She smiled and gave a thumbs up just like Monika.

"Oh my god, Yuri just ate one of Natsuki's cupcakes." MC cut in before I could say anything. I let out a squeal of excitement.

"Kiss already you two!" I jumped up and down. Yuri seemed to choke on a piece of the cupcake, and Natsuki flushed red.

"I so ship it," MC grinned, and I nodded in agreement. Natsuki rolled her eyes, and Yuri took the wrapper of the cupcake and folded it neatly.

"Well everyone, since we had a snack, I say it's about time we share our poems!" Monika took her wrapper and threw it into the garbage can a few steps away.

Everyone went to their backpacks, grabbing their poems from their bags. I ripped one from my light pink bag, wincing as the corners around the poem were folded and the paper was wrinkled slightly. It looked gross, but I hoped that the poem would suffice. After all, I had just written it last night in a flurry of emotions. To be honest, I didn't even really remember what it said or if I had even edited parts of it. I skimmed through it quickly, wincing at how depressing it sounded compared to my other ones. Sure, I had a bittersweet feeling to most of my poems, but this was just flat out sad.

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