With My Mate

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I woke up without Darius next to me, I was paranoid so I went into the bathroom and got in the nicely warm bath that Darius had run for me however still not knowing where my mysterious mate had run off to I climbed into the warm relaxing bath, and laid there thinking.

I was confused with everything that had happened the day before not knowing anything about this place or anyone here, it actually scared me.

I knew I was all alone here however I did not expect to run into the mate that I'm not meant to have, I mean this changes my fate and the stories doesn't it.

Or am I even sure about that.

No matter the outcome I know that he is my mate.

Not long after I washed myself off I got out the bath and dried myself off, noticing the clothes Darius had put out for me I smiled to myself and put them on.

I stood looking in the mirror for about half an hour just looking at myself in shock.

"I've never had clothes like this and they suit me too." I whispered amused and over excited.

"I've never had anyone treat me so kindly before either." I whispered shocked then I suddenly felt a pained feeling in my chest.

Flinging the bathroom door open and running down the stairs to see what looks like a blood bath, the strong feeling of panic over came me however I eventually realised that this was what my mate was feeling.

He was in danger and I had to find him,

No matter what I it takes.

No matter who I have to hurt.

No matter if I get hurt.

Darius is my mate and I have to save my mate.

No matter what the stories say.

I will find and save Darius.

the hybrid Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ