19. Snowball Effect

Start from the beginning

"Yes, yes of course!" Jack replied, grinning from ear-to-ear, "gotta get them likes, amiright?"

After a few minutes of everyone taking a giant group selfie, the battle resumed. More kids joined in and Peter couldn't remember having so much fun before. He was a superhero having fun, and Jack was being appreciated more than ever. And Peter did notice that the werewolf was notably taller than he was before, his entire frame a bit larger. As Jack put it, he was just "fluffier".

Peter's day only got better when he noticed MJ standing off to the side of the street, wearing a denim jacket and a camera in hand, aimed at him. He broke out in a smile, but that smile froze when he saw that she wasn't alone. Harry was with her with his own camera, probably new.

To be quite honest, Peter didn't know how he felt about that.

She waved at him, and he waved back. When he jogged over to them, Harry seemed to be lost for words. Jack called a time out for himself and Peter as he went over to them, a rain of snowballs following after him. Harry stared up at him with wide brown eyes, slack jawed.

"What have we got here, Ms.Jones?" Jack laughed as he gestured to Harry. Peter almost cringed at his name for her. He only ever used it when they were around other people, to hide their association. "To keep it professional," he had said once.

"Just someone learning the ways of the camera," MJ answered, patting the starstruck boy, "from the master herself."

"Seems a little moon-eyed to me," the werewolf observed with arms crossing over his chest.

"You are the last person who should be calling people "moon-eyed", Wolf," Peter commented, taking on his best disguised voice. He envied Jack in that regard, because his wolfiness naturally made his voice deeper than it was.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Jack waved his paw. "Got any pictures of me? I have like 27 good sides."

"They're-they're all g-good pictures, Mr.Wolf, Sir," Harry stuttered. He still seemed to carry an expression of both awe and fear, and Peter almost felt bad for him.

"Please, Mr.Wolf is so formal," Jack chuckled.

"Do you have a real name that I could use?" Harry's question seemed a little too probing, like he was searching for a specific answer. But Jack didn't give any hint that what he asked bothered him.

Jack turned his head like he was modeling. "You may call me Werewolf, or if you're feeling festive, "Winterwolf" or something like that. Oooh, check it; Winter Wonderwolf." He held his fist up to Peter and they fist bumped. No one laughed at their own jokes like he did.

"Can it, McFurry," MJ interrupted him, and she grabbed Harry's arm to pull him away, "we're gonna check out some other spots."

"Yeah, but they're not as cool because I'm not there!" The werewolf called after them.

"It's snowing! Everywhere is cool!"

Jack snorted at her slight pun, and turned to face Peter. The web-slinger hadn't said much while they were together, but Jack had talked enough for the both of them. He watched them until they turned the corner. When he looked up at his friend, he saw that his blue eyes were already looking down at him with a smirk on his muzzle.

"They're cute together," he mused.

Peter punched him in the shoulder. "Shut up."

"Let's follow them," Jack said, waving to the kids as he leapt up into the air.

Even his vertical had increased, for he landed on the roof of the building without any effort involved. And then it registered what he had said.

"Wait, what?!" Peter webbed up after him. "Ja-Wolf! No!"

"Too late! It's spy time!"

"No, it's not spy time!"

Jack stopped at the edge of a building so Peter could land next to him. The web-slinger's heart was racing, and he knew that Jack's resolve was an impossible thing to shake. He didn't want to do this, he knew that much, but the werewolf wouldn't hear any of it.

"I'm just not that kind of boyfriend."

"Come on, it's just a little surveillance," Jack pointed out, "and besides, it shows you care."

"I do care."

"We'll see about that, won't we?" Was the reply, and he jumped to the next building. He waited for Peter, giving him a hopeful smile, and the boy groaned aloud before following.

Jealous!Peter is my favorite Peter, even if he's not jealous. And this was a quick update from my last chapter, so be proud of me. And yoooo I'm watching Infinity War tonight and I'm so excited! Let's hope the feels don't kill me!


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