chapter eighteen

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Y/n: well. Who was it?!

Ellie: a certain someone...

Jack: named Millie Bobby Brown.

Y/n: oh oh no no no... I did not just make an enemy with Americas favorite teenager.

Finn: hey-hey it's fine.

Sophia: I'm sorry but this *laughs* this is too funny to pass up.

*she pulls out her phone and takes a picture of me and Finn with lipstick all over his face*

Finn: be careful with that picture Sophia...

Sophia: I got it-it's all good.

*you peer over at Wyatt... he looks so hurt, it actually hurts your heart. You tuned out everyone else and just sat and thought about how terrible you were to Wyatt, for crying out loud he just RODE THE RIDE ALONE*

- your thoughts were broken when you heard Finn scream-


*sophia had just tagged you and Finn in that humiliating picture*


Sophia: oops *smirk*

Y/n: ugh you're really terrible

Finn: How bad can it be?
Y/n: MBB

Finn: huh?

Y/n: Mille Bobby Bad.

Finn: it'll all be alright.. *he tries to put his arm around you- you slap it off*

Y/n: you can say that, Millie loves you.

Finn: y/n...

Y/n: to her I'm just some girl who randomly shows up and befriends you all-

Wyatt: *suspicious* y/n, how did you know who Millie is

Y/n: who doesn't. She's the only one of you famous people I knew. Too overrated if you ask me.

Wyatt: oh yeah I guess

Y/n: you look tired

Wyatt: ya I stayed up all night thinking

y/n: about what?

Wyatt: more like about who

*a tiny bit of the corner of his lip rises, you see a baby little slight smile, but you still see phat hurt in his eyes*

Y/n: l-look Wyatt, how about we go 'public' with our friend ship

Wyatt: *under his breath* yah just how like you and Finn went public with your relationship...

Y/n: hey, I don't know what happened, and I can guarantee you that I'm not happy about it at all.

Wyatt: oh okay *maybe he's starting to look a little happy*

Y/n: come on, we can start by going on a ride together

*you grab his wrist and run pulling him through the the fair*

Y/n: *laughs* come on BFF!

Ellie: I heard that!

*a smile takes over Wyatts face as you pull onto a ride that cages you up and swings you around*

Wyatt: *nervous* haha this is really tight

Y/n: now we can become closer!

*you say as you nuzzle your face into his shoulder*

Wyatt: ya I guess so!

*hand on your thigh*

Y/n: so are we gonna forget the heated argument we left off on last night?

Wyatt: of course... Now let's go back to right where before the argument started...

Y/n: *flirty* okay... *giggles*

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