Like the Drop of a Tear

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His concentration nearly broke when, with a resonating chime, a red heart burst from within the white bricks of the dimensional tower. Tinkling, it floated down in front of him, stopping in front of his open-mouthed gaze. Nodding, Merlon took it into his arms, closing his eyes once more. There was a sound like shattering glass, and when he opened them, the girl was solidly there, the power trying to drag her away, gone. Enveloped in the warmth of Flipside's Pure Heart, his fatigue had vanished in an instant.

He gently released the artifact and sent it away back to its hiding place. Wordlessly, Merlon scooped the girl into his fatherly arms, Saffron supporting her legs. Together, they carried her down to the safety of the sage's house.


It wasn't long before someone came knocking on his door. He was relieved to see that it was Nolrem, and not some curious citizen wondering what all the commotion was about.

"Merlon! What was that ruckus just now? Did something happen?" Nolrem yelled the second the door was open.

"Sssh! Come in and I'll explain, but please be quiet," Merlon huffed, stepping aside to let in his counterpart. He led the gray-robed sage into his bedroom, where he had been tending to the mysterious girl.

"Who is this?" Nolrem asked, eyebrows rising in surprise.

"I have no idea. She appeared suddenly and is in a very bad way," Merlon said with worry, sitting down beside the bed to continue bandaging her injuries.

"Hmm." Nolrem came closer and assisted him. It was quiet for a few minutes as they worked, one or the other glowing on occasion when they cast a healing spell to help with the nastier wounds.

"She was under a curse." Merlon's voice was solemn.

Nolrem paused. "What kind?"

"It seemed to be a transportation spell of some sort, but I think it has been rapidly sending her through dimensions. I don't know who would do such a thing, but whoever they are, they are quite powerful. Luckily, with the Pure Heart's power, I was able to break the spell, but..." Merlon placed a hand on her forehead, watching the feeble rising and falling of her chest. "I fear it may be too late for her to recover..."

Nolrem clapped Merlon on the shoulder. "Well, there's no use in giving up. We'll just have to do our best."

Merlon nodded, resolve tightening in his chest. "Yes, indeed..."


Hours later, she opened her eyes while Merlon was trying to coax some water into her. With a startled "Oh!", he stepped back, giving her some space. Her green eyes darted about the room, taking in everything around her. Her face was expressionless, her gaze glassy.

"Hello..." the sage said softly, taking his seat. Her eyes focused on him as he gently grasped her hand. "My name is Merlon. ...Can you tell me your name?"

She said nothing. Her breathing hitched a little. She seemed surprised, and yet not surprised at all, to see someone was with her.

Falling silent, Merlon helped her drink some water. He was glad to see a small, grateful twinkle in her eye. He turned to leave, saying, "I'll be back shortly. Let's get some food into you, huh?"

He didn't see the way her expression crumpled. The corner of her lip turned up, as if smiling at some bitter joke.


She spent most of the next couple days unconscious. When she was awake, she didn't move or speak, nearly to the point of being catatonic. She must be traumatized, at any rate. Merlon continued to care for her, Nolrem coming over every so often to check on her but never catching her while she was up.

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