Chapter 2

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When Isaiah finally got out of detention he saw the girl of his dreams. Bella Scails Stood with his sisters Alice and Mary Fang. Her long brown hair was down in a braid that went over her shoulder, she had a dark blue tank-top and white skirt with matching kitty-heels. 

"Isaiah!" Bella called to him. He jogged over to them. "What took so long? your sisters came and got me because they thought you were with me... we were so worried."

"Sorry..." Isaiah looked down. "I got detention with my history teacher and wasn't able to call."

"Sure..." Alice said. Bella looked Isaiah dead in the eyes. He thought he saw a glimpse of purple.

"He is telling the truth." Bella smiled. Mary, Bella, Alice, and Isaiah got in Mary's car and drove to the fang house. It was about an hour drive since they stopped at a restaurant to eat at. 

"Welcome home kids!" Mrs. Fang smiled as they entered the house. Mrs. Fang was a skinny white woman with long black hair and brown eyes that looked like chocolate with a ring of gold around the pupil. everyone in the Fang family had brown, green or blue eyes with a ring of gold around the pupil. Isaiah had Brown, Alice had green, Mary had blue, and their dad had green. "Ah Bella so nice to see you again."

"Me too Mrs. Fang." Bella smiled. 

"How is your family? I haven't seen Jack and Lacy in so long." Bella was thrown out by her actual parents so for about 5 years now she has been with living with her best friend and his family.

"They are good. They went on a 2-month trip so I was wondering if I could stay here? I understand if I can't." Isaiah's eyes lit up. Bella staying with me? Oh Boy, that would be a dream come true.

"Of course you can stay!" Isaiah had a big grin on his face.

"Thank you, Mrs. Fang!"

"No problem dear, and please call me Elizabeth." Bella hugged her and followed Alice and Mary up to their room. "Isaiah?" 

"Yeah mom?"

"I know you like her," Isaiah turned red. "So I am telling you now... Don't lose control... Got it?"

"Yes mom."

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