Chapter 4: Try again, Cat

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Today was my brother's birthday and I was hoping to cross something off of my list. 

Surprise someone

I've never been a good party planner but I was going to plan the best birthday this year, since it would be the last I'd celebrate with him. 

He was turning 18 and he was going to lose his sister. That was the worst gift. 

I felt sadness overwhelm me. I didn't know what kind of party to throw. Normally, he and I would just watch movies together and insult each other. 

His birthday meant bonding day, I would love to do that this year but he needed to celebrate, be less attached to me. I sound like a heartless bish don't I?

I decided to call Anais for help. 

"Help me throw a party" I immediately tell her. 

"For who?"

"Axel, it's his birthday" I whisper. 

"Oh" she paused. "OH! Okay, meet me at my house, but we'll need help. I'll call his friends and you call Blake, I don't have his number"

"Are you assuming I have his number?"

"Yes. If you don't, figure it out! Okay, bye!" she ended the call, probably getting ready. 

I was ready to drive my brother to his soccer practice, anyway. Maybe I'll bump into Blaze there, did I mention that he was the star player of the team?

I always go with my brother to his soccer practices and he teaches me when there are no competitive practices in hand. 

"Ready sis? I'll show you a few tricks today, maybe our temporary goalkeeper would go easy on you"

"But Will was always easy on me, why would you change him?"

"He's sick and can't attend practice so we put someone else as a goalie"


I look around and see the same old team, kicking balls and all. 

That sounded way better in my head

"Hey, Cathy!" Zack shouts from across he field. 

My brother was in the locker rooms, changing.

"Look out!" someone suddenly shout, I didn't know he was warning me until I saw the ball heading my way. I wish I could've had fast reflex like those in the movies but nope. I close my eyes and held my hands in front of me, waiting for impact. 

It didn't come. 

I opened my eyes to see the ball, directly in front of me, in someone's hands. I looked up and saw Blake grinning at me. 

"Hey, Cat" he said before doing tricks with the ball. "Does this impress you?" he winks. 

"No, my brother is better"

"I'm pretty sure I was called the star player for a reason"

"At least my brother is humble" I scoff. 

"You're just saying that because he's your brother" he pouts, holding the ball.

"Maybe, Wouldn't know that until you get the experience"

"Would be fun, but I wouldn't get the pleasure of making you my girl" he winks. 

"Wouldn't get to that either way" I mumble. 


"I said that was impressive" 

"So, do I get a kiss?" he leans closer. 

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