Hard Work and Dedication Pays Off

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“But did you know that I loved you? Or were you not aware? ‪#Fall ‪#JB <3 @NiallOfficial” Before she had to race to color guard practice, Brittany tweeted Niall one last time.

She absolutely adored all the boys, but there was just something special about Niall. The way they were both shy and quiet, but could be loud when they wanted to be. The way they both ate everything in sight and were still hungry ten minutes later. There was so much they had in common, and Niall’s beautiful blue eyes and sexy Irish accent didn’t hurt either.

Brittany quickly changed into her shorts and tank top – it was going to be a tough practice. School was starting in just a few weeks and that meant the Back to School pep rally was approaching rapidly. For Brittany, color guard was more than just waving a flag or throwing a gun around. It took determination, perseverance, coordination, and courage. It could take months to master a simple dance move because you had to simultaneously wave your flag. Getting up in front of 4,500 people on the first Friday of junior year was not something Brittany was exactly looking forward to, but being a bit of a daredevil, she was up to the challenge. Besides, the feeling of being surrounded by her friends was second to none.

Before she sprinted out the door, Brittany stopped in the kitchen to say goodbye to her mom, who was cooking dinner for her four younger brothers.

“Mom, don’t forget, management will be calling the winner of the One Direction tickets today. So please, please do not make any calls! You have to answer the phone no matter who is caling, you never know who it could be and-“

“Brittany, sweetie, I have it under control,” her mom, Stephani, chuckled. “Look, the phone is right here by the stove. I promise, no matter what, I will answer it.”

“Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me,” Brittany called as she raced out the door so she wouldn’t be late.

On her way to practice, Brittany couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to win those tickets… For months, Brittany had been waiting for the huge surprise 1DHQ was going to reveal on Twitter. When they finally tweeted that one lucky winner, along with a guest, would win Ultimate VIP tickets to the concert in Dallas, Brittany burst into tears. She had tried to get tickets, but her internet connection failed the minute before they went on sale, and twenty minutes later, after her internet came back, the 2012 North American tour was officially sold out. Winning these tickets would mean the world to Brittany and her best friend, Mechelle. Their walls were covered in posters of the boys, the Up All Night CD was the most often played on iTunes, they literally knew more about the boys than they did their own country.

Plugging in her head phones, Brittany turned Stand Up on at full blast. This was her ultimate workout song and one of her favorites from the album. When she heard it, her heart started beating faster and she could feel the blood coursing through her veins. She took off at a quick jog and made it to practice in record time.

After dumping her workout bag onto the floor from her petite frame, Brittany strolled over to the other girls who were already warming up.

A chorus of hello’s filled the air. Plopping down next to Marissa, a senior and color guard officer, Brittany began to stretch. Marissa, sensing something was wrong, spoke up.

“You okay, Brittany?”

“Yeah, I’m just really nervous…” Brittany hesitated.

“Girl, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! You have been doing so well this summer, I knew you would be a great addition to our team-“

“No, no, no,” Brittany cut her off. “I’m not nervous about the pep rally. Okay, well actually I am, but I’m nervous about this competition I entered to win tickets to see One Direction. I find out today if I won.”

Marissa, who wasn’t really a fan, chuckled. “Well, I hope you win! I know how much you love them and that might boost your confidence for the pep rally.”

Before Brittany could respond, Coach Swartzentruber walked out, calling the girls over. She started going over the drills they would be practicing today, but Brittany’s mind was completely in another world. It took her a minute to realize the other girls had stood up to get into formation. She quickly jumped up and ran to her spot while the coach made her way to the stereo system to start up the Lady Gaga medley they put together for the first pep rally.

“That’s weird, it won’t turn on,” Brittany heard Coach Swartzentruber mutter to herself. The coach started fiddling around with the buttons and knobs, but to no avail. Suddenly, Brittany heard it.

From the moment I met you, everything changed. I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain.

Something was out of place, she just couldn’t put her finger on it. Suddenly, it hit her. That wasn’t Liam singing, and that isn’t recorded, either…

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