Show Choir Terrorism

Start from the beginning

He took his coffee and walked off. I watched him for a second when another girl came behind the till. Now there were 4 people behind the coffee till, so I took my break.

I walked over to Rachel and Kurt who have been joined by Sebastian.

That can only mean bad stuff.


"Rachel, I brought an engagement gift for you." Sebastian said as I reached them.

"That's nice of you Sebastian. For a change." He just looked at me. I went beside Rachel to see what it was. As she opened it up we saw Finn topless in a mirror. Oh god. She pulled it out and it was a picture of Finn, edited obviously naked. I walked back around as Rachel and Kurt were exclaiming.

"Oh, that is photo shopped, his thing is not that small or brown." Rachel said.

"Put it away Rachel so Kurt can have his hand back." I told her.

"And he could never fit into those pumps." Kurt said. I glared at him, not the best timing.

"Just think, from now until eternity every time someone googles Finn Hudson they'll be treated to that and dozens just like it. That's the beauty of the internet. It stays with us forever." Sebastian said. Why has he done that?

"What do you want Sebastian?" Rachel asked.

"I want a guaranteed Regionals win so I want you, to drop out. McKinley gets home court advantage this year. Your gonna come down with Asian bird flu or whatever Tina Blowing Wang just had." Sebastian told us. I was now stood behind Rachel. This isn't right.

"That is show choir terrorism." I said.

"You give a bad name to the entire gay community." Kurt said.

"Part gay and you give the gay community cutting edge fashion that's usually only seen on Puerto Rican pride floats." Sebastian said.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I was distracted by giant horse teeth." Kurt said.

"Your both no longer going to be a part of the gay community if you don't shut the hell up." I said looking back and forth between Sebastian and Kurt.

"You have 24 hours to drop out Rachel. Or I press the upload button." Sebastian told Rachel and I shook my head.

"Oh, and that reminds me, Mia how about you stop by my place tonight for a couple drinks?" Sebastian winked and walked out. I scoffed and reached in the envelope. There was a little piece of paper with an address on it. I shoved it in my pocket and I rolled my eyes.


I was sitting in glee club with my fellow members talking about Sebastian's threat.

"That's it. I'm done. I'm leaving this classroom and I'm gonna beat that Sebastian kid's ass." Finn said really, angry. I just sat next to Rachel and looked at her. I knew she wasn't going to drop out, of course she wasn't.

"Finn chill." Mr Schue told him.

"No, I'm not gonna chill. I'm done chilling." Finn told him.

"The official show rule book states that any real perceive threat of violence, vandalism or humiliation will be met with the swift and unquestioning disqualification of the threating parties team with extreme prejudices. It's right here page 71, bylaw 15, section 6, article 34." Artie exclaimed really, fast and it took me a while to grasp it.

"Guys, I contacted the Headmaster of Dalton." Mr Schue told us.

"Like you did when Sebastian almost blinded me? What did they do then? Same thing as they are gonna do now. Nothing." Blaine said. I didn't have the guts to tell him what happened.

"None of this matters now anyways okay, we're not gonna let him beat us like this. I'm gonna perform at Regionals." Rachel told us. I put my hand on my head. A bomb has just exploded in this room, metaphorically.

"Even if he's gonna post a photo of me like this if you do?" Finn asked.

"Finn, I'm not gonna negotiate with terrorists." Rachel told him.

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself." Sugar's high pitched voice rang through my ears.

"Twice to be sure I was dead." Rory then said.

"Shut up, the both of you." I turned around and said.

"Look you guys are just gonna have to deal with things like this, the more successful you get the more garbage people are gonna make up about you. They're gonna love to tear you down." Mr Schue said.

"Main stream media for you people." I added on.

"I can't believe you would do that to me." Finn said making Rachel stand. I looked over to Blaine, this can't be good.

"I'm gonna be married to you, don't you think I'm gonna suffer the consequences as well, I mean, I just don't care about stuff like that. I love you and we will manage this together okay, the important thing is right now is that we win." Rachel explained to Finn.

"So, you would care if I photo shopped a photo of you like this and put it on the internet?" Finn asked.

"Our future depends on us winning Regionals, it will help me towards my NYADA application." Rachel said. I rolled my eyes. This stupid NYADA stuff.

"Hope you get in." Finn said before storming out.

"Finn." Mr Schue said. I sighed before saying "Rachel, check he's okay besides I'm gonna deal with this."

"How are you gonna deal with this?" Blaine asked. I put my hands in my lap and said "Sebastian wants me to go around his place tonight just to talk. If I talk to him one on one I may be able to get on his laptop and delete that photo for good." Blaine looked at me before saying "You're not going there."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because Sebastian is evil. Look what he did when he nearly blinded me. So not over my dead body are you going anywhere near him tonight." I sighed and the bell rung.

I picked up my bag and stopped Blaine as everyone was walking out.

"Look Blaine, I'm fine really and I'm gonna be safe. You don't need to worry, especially when I'm a year older." Blaine chuckled and said, "I know but after what happened with me I don't want you to be in danger."

I chuckled and said "I'm a tough cookie, I'll be fine. You just focus on Regionals my friend."

"I'll take care of that Warbler." I winked at him before walking out of the practice room.

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